Chapter 7

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"Ha ha ha! Can't catch me!" Lance said as he darted around a Marmora agent who was ignoring him. "You can't keep track of me because I'm so fast!" He said as Shiro shook his head while Hunk looked nervous. "Is he always like that?" Kolivan asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes." Shiro answered sighing. "But he usually teases Keith, but since he's not here. .." "He'll just have to learn some respect." Kolivan said as Antok looked suddenly amused. "Respect?" Hunk echoed. "What are you going to do?" He asked glancing nervously at Lance. "Oh, he won't be harmed." Kolivan assured them as he slightly nodded to the agent. The agent suddenly jumped forward causing Lance to backpeddle with a cry of terror before darting out of the room with the agent on his tail. Shiro started laughing, even though he probably shouldn't have. But the blue paladin had it coming. "Are you sure he won't hurt Lance?" Hunk asked. "No, Pulse doesn't hurt anyone." Gamma assured him petting his hand affectionately. Suddenly Hunks face contorted into shock as something dawned on him while Shiro just coughed. "I better go check and make sure he's not cheating." Gamma said jokingly winking as he got up and left the room. "He's gay?" Hunk said with disbelief once Gamma was gone. "Yes." Kolivan said drily as if this was old news. "I didn't know Galra could be gay." Hunk said excitedly. "They both are. That's why they're here." Kolivan said as if it explained everything. "Since it is illegal within the Empire." Antok added. "Of course Zarkon would make it illegal." Hunk said grimly. "Why are you getting so upset about it? Are you gay?" Shiro asked jokingly. "No, I think it's terrible that they had to hide and they couldn't have just be themselves." Hunk answered. "You do you."

"You smell that?" Keith asked as they walked back toward the hotel. "No, what?" Pidge asked noticing the temperature change. "Moisture. It's going to rain soon." Keith said glancing up at the sky, where huge dark clouds hovered above them. "Did your visions tell you that?" Pidge asked sarcastically as a fat raindrop landed on her nose and a huge clap of thunder rolled causing her to jump, even Keith looked startled. "No." Keith answered as he acted like nothing happened. "If I had to guess, it's going to be pretty bad. It will probably rip our lions out of the sky if we try to leave." He said as the wind started blowing fiercely, threatening to knock everyone off their feet. "Ugh, we'll just have to wait it out." Pidge groaned. "That might be a problem." Keith said as they looked to the west where the storm was coming from, it was all dark not a break in sight. Pidge groaned again as they started walking again, barely making it it to the hotel before it started raining heavily. "Does it always rain like this." She muttered as the bartender just nodded in response. She groaned again. "It's not like Arctic is going anywhere, Pidge. He's blind and trapped on an abandoned planet." Keith said. "I don't know blind people get around." Pidge said as they headed upstairs to their room. "On Earth maybe. But not in the Empire. No one cares if you live or die." Keith said brusquely. "I know." Pidge said. "Hey, why did Nox call you 'Pyrrhos'?" The green paladin asked. "It's my name. Just in galra." Keith answered drily. "Really?  I'm going to call you Pyrrhos from now on." Pidge teased. "Please don't." Keith groaned. Once they were back in there room Pidge instantly grabbed her laptop and sat on the bed, searching through the file she downloaded at the base with that monster. "Oh so you're finally going through it." Keith said sarcastically. "You know it's so werid hearing sarcasm come from you." Pidge said sarcastically. "It sounds werid coming from you." Keith shot back. There's the grumpy hot head. Pidge thought as she put on her headphones.

Pidge woke up to Keith nudging her. "Come on, the rain has let up. We can go now." He said glancing at the door. "Okay." Pidge said rolling over as Keith glared at the door. "Pidge, we have to go." Keith said urgently. "No, I'm cold." Pidge answered snuggling under the blankets. "Here take my jacket." Keith said taking it off and handing it to her. "But we have to go now." "I'm still cold." Pidge said as she looked out the window which was dark now since the sun went down two vargas ago. "Just take the blankets with you or ride with me." Keith said handing Pidge her bag. "And let you kill me! No way!" Pidge said jumping up and putting on Keith's jacket before her backpack. Why is he so tense? Pidge thought. "It's because I've been hearing all the doors on the floor above us open. As if someone is searching for someone." Keith answered. "Or a few someones." Pidge said as she slowly opened the door and poked her head out. "It's clear." She said after she looked down the hallway. "Good let's get to our lions and get the hell outta here." Keith said as they started down the hallway toward the stairs. The two paladins said nothing as they crept down the stairs quietly. Instantly Pidge wished that she was also training with the Blade Of Marmora because Keith was so silent and she sounded like a five hundred pound hippo walking down the stairs in her opinion. All the sudden Keith stopped at the last corner causing her to bump into him nearly causing them both to go tumbling down the stairs. "Watch it" Keith hissed in a whisper as he caught himself. "Sorry." Pidge whispered as she saw a female alien with skulls tattooed on her neck, identical to the alien on Acera with skulls tattooed on his neck and arms. But this one only had four on her neck, like she had just got involved. "Whoa." Vespar said a little too loudly right behind them, startling the paladins. "Shhhh!" Pidge hushed urgently. "Fuck!" Keith growled as he grabbed Pidge. They scrambled back up the stairs out of the aliens sight a split second before she glanced over. "What are you doing!" Pidge demanded as Vespar looked at Keith who was looking  down the stairs, expecting the alien to investigate. "Nothing. I was seeing what you were doing." He answered. "Well, you almost got us caught!" Pidge said in an angry whisper. Suddenly Keith punched Vespar right in the face, to where Pidge had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from laughing. "Sorry, you startled me." Keith whispered unsympatheticly. "That's not it." Vespar groaned. "You're right. Do you want a broken arm to go along with your nose." Keith growled low grabbing Vespars arm. "Keith!" Pidge said alarmed. "No,that won't be necessary. What do I have to do to make you happy?" Vespar practically squealed. "Keith!" Pidge said again but the red paladin ignored her. "You're going to go down there and distract her. While we sneak out of here. Got it!" Keith said twisting Vespar arm. "Got it!" Vespar squealed. "Then get down there!" Keith snarled letting him go. Vespar squealed in terror as he fled down the stairs nearly tripping over his own feet. "Keith, that was uncalled for!" Pidge scolded. "Yes it was." Keith said. "There was no other way to get past her." He said as Vespar reached the bottom of the stairs. "Well hi there ." He said as the alien rolled her eyes. "What do you want low life?" The alien demand. "Just some time with you." Vespar said smoothly. "I'm afraid I can't entertain you. I'm on duty?" The female alien replied looking down her nose at him. "Really? What's your job?" Vespar asked sitting down on the stool beside her. "I'm looking for two people." She answered. "Really? If I could just get your name, maybe I'll be able to help you." Vespar said. "It's Artemis. And I'm looking for two paladins of Voltron." The female alien answered as she sat down. Keith and Pidge glanced at each other knowing for certain they weren't being paranoid now. "We need to go." Keith whispered while Pidge nodded. "Paladins? Of Voltron? All the way out here?" Vespar said as he glanced back to see the paladins slip out the door.  "I think they might have just slipped out the door." He added as Artemis glanced over her shoulder to find nothing. "Don't play games!" She growled. "No! They literally just left!" Vespar said wanting to slam his face on the counter. "Do you think this is charming!" Artemis hissed seeming to get bigger. "No! My name is Vespar and I'm telling you the paladins of Voltron just escaped. They're  headed to their lions which are hidden in the gorge right outside town." He said as Artemis eyes widened as she stood up. "Azar, they're headed to their lions!" She said as she headed toward the door. Suddenly a blow to the chest that she never saw coming sent her stumbling backward. "Who dares?" Artemis hissed as Nox, Ilan, and Regis readied themselves for a fight. "Artemis!" Atlas barked from the stairs. "We've got him!" Regis said as he and Ilan rushed Atlas. "Who are you?" Artemis demanded as she pulled out her staff. "Who I am doesn't matter. You should be worried if your walking away or not." Nox hissed as they engaged. "You talk big for such a small galran." Artemis observed as their weapons crossed. "Well this small galran has a few tricks up his sleeve." Nox growled as he slipped under her defenses and cut her behind the knee cap. "Why you!" Artemis snarled whipping around and slamming her staff into his blade as Nox parried easily. "You're technic is flawed." Nox taunted as he kneed her in the chest then roundhouse kicked Artemis in the face, causing her to stumble backward. Regis parried Altas's blow as Ilan shot around him and put him in a strangle hold, before snapping his neck with a crack. Nox flipped Artemis over his shoulder onto the bar, she didn't get up again. "Did you kill her?" Regis asked. "No just knocked her out. Come on we need to make sure they get away." Nox answered before they took off.

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