Movie Night// Chapter 29

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Betty's POV

I quickly put on the outfit that Pepper had set out for me and go outside. Tony is there in his suit and so is Peter. It's still so strange seeing them in their suits. My suit stands empty. I get a huge grin on my face just looking at it. "Ok Betty put on this bracelet and hit the button." Mr Stark says. I put the bracelet, that's actually really cute, on.

I take a deep breath and hit the button

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I take a deep breath and hit the button. The empty suit breaks apart and flies towards me. First the arms, then the legs, then the chest and back plate, and finally the helmet. A voice speaks to me and I jump. "Welcome to your new suit Elizabeth. I'm your personal AI, programmed to serve you and your needs." "Wow, this is awesome." "Ok Betty are you ready to learn about your new suit?" Mr Stark asks. When I look at him a small background check/ description pops up in the corner. "Absolutely." We go through all the features, and practice them a few times. But then it's time for the most exciting yet scariest part... Flying.

"Ok Betty it's going to be hard at first but soon it'll become 2nd nature." I nod. "Ok, tell your AI to activate hand and feet thrusters." "Ok." "Activate hand and feet thrusters please." "Activating." Once their activated Tony gives me the next step. "First gently as possible shoot your hand thrusters towards the ground." I do and I start to go up about a foot. I let out a squeak. "You got this Betty" Peter says. "Once you reach about 5 feet activate your feet thrusters." Mr Stark says as he does it himself. I do so and start to go higher. Mr Stark stays close by to make sure I'm safe. "Remember Betty, your in control. I'm going to stay under you right here and I want you to fly higher, ok?" "Ok." I start flying higher Mr Starks voice comes through the speakers in my helmet. "Betty can you hear me?" "Ye-yeah" "Don't be scared ok? I'm right here, I'm not going to let you get hurt." "Ok, thanks. What should I do now?" "Let's practice landing. I want you to slowly release the presure on your thrusts and land next to Peter. He'll be there to help you if you need it." I do as he says and slowly go towards the ground by Peter. His voice comes through my helmet "Nice and easy, you got this." I take a deep breath as I make the landing. Mr Stark lands next to me, in the iconic Iron Man landing. I make a mental note to try it. I remove my helmet. "That was awesome!!!" Mr Stark steps out of his suit chucking "It only gets better, trust me." Peter takes of his mask "Good job Betty! You did great!" "Thanks Peter!" I step out of my suit and give him a hug. It lasts a little longer than it should of and Mr Stark coughs. We let go of each other "Have you kids ever tried shawrama? Because I am starved." "No I haven't but I'd be up to trying it" says Peter. "Me too." "Ok then let's get going then."

Happy drives us to the restaurant as Tony tells us how good it is. Peter and I laugh at his obvious exaggeration. I look at Peter as he laughs. How can someone look so good while laughing? He takes my breath away everytime I see him. He looks at me with his classic Peter grin. "What?" "Nothing" I say with a smile. When we get to the restaurant Tony tells us about the battle of New York. You can tell it's a rough subject though. Natasha told me that he suffers with ptsd just like me. But Tony mostly focuses on the positive, like how the Avengers ate where we were sitting after they won. It's nice listening to his perspective of it, rather then just the news reporters. Once we finish and say goodbye to Mr Stark, Happy drives me and Peter home.

Peter's POV

"Aunt May? Are you home?" There's no response. "I guess it's just us then" I say to Betty. "Movie night?" She asks. "Sounds great, I'll set it up can you make some popcorn?" "Mhm." Ten minutes later Betty and I our on the couch watching "The Impossible" (yes THAT Impossible) and eating the freshly popped popcorn. "Yay it's starting!" Says Betty. I don't know why but I start to get nervous. I'm guessing it's because I have no date experience, and this seems like a date. Betty's close but there's still a small space between us. How am I even supposed to close the gap? What if I want to put my arm around her? Or hold her hand? How exaclty do I do that? I'm honestly clueless. I've never been in this situation. If she thinks this is a date too, then she probably thinks I'm doing a terrible job. I'm sure Jughead didn't have this problem! I stop myself and reassuringly tell myslef to calm down. I start to slowly move my hand towards hers while she has her eyes glued towards the screen. But she suddenly says something and I take my hand back. "That Lucas kid is so adorable. Don't you think Peter?" "I guess." I wasn't really watching the movie until then, because I was more focused on trying to plan out how I was going to grab her hand. She jumps as the first wave hits. This is it Peter! This is your chance. I move closer and close the dreadful gapwhile she's watching the scene unfold. It takes her a second to realize but when she does, she doesn't look at me but I see her smile. We continue watching until a scene of Lucas' mothers wound is shown. Betty leans over and hides her face on my chest. I take the opportunity and FINALLY put my arm around her. She keeps her head on my chest a little longer but then she smiles at me. I smile back at her. We go back to watching the movie but I leave my arm around her. We're at a scene where Lucas is working to reunite families in a hospital. "You know what?" "What?" I ask. "I think I know what I'm going to name my AI." "What name?" "Lucas, for a few reasons. First I love his character and love how strong he is. I want to be like that. Help people and their familes. And the second reason is..." She rests her head and looks sort of embarrassed. "What?" I look down at her, really curious about what she's going to say. "Well it's kinda weird but... I've really enjoyed this and I don't want to ever forget it. So naming my AI after him would always bring back the memory of this night." I don't know what to say. "Is that too weird she asks." She's bright red. "No, I think it's a beautiful meaning." She smiles at me. The movie is still playing but we're not paying attention. We're just doing what we do best sitting and staring at eachother. I take the chance and lean in. And she does too. The kiss is slow at first, but then it gets faster. She puts a hand in my hair and I put a hand on her back. It lasts a little longer and when we pull away we both have to catch our breath. Once we do we're smiling like idiots. We eventually go back to watching the movie.

The credits start to roll. I look down and realize she's asleep. I take a moment to just look at her. Wow she's just so beautiful. She's already in her pajamas so I pick her up and carry her to her room. I gently lay her in her bed and cover her with the blanket. I kiss her on the forehead then go to my own room. I lay down and fall asleep with a huge smile on my face.


Just for reference if you don't know: "The Impossible" is a mocie Tom played in. His character was named Lucas. If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it! It's great! Tom's acting is brilliant. The only thing I didn't like was how gory it was. Enjoy this picture of little Tom (:

 Enjoy this picture of little Tom (:

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