The Announcement (EXTRA CHAPTER)

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I've gotten lots of comments about making a sequel for this book. And it kills me to read them, only because I really want to but I just can't. I have 0 ideas for a second book. And hardly any inspiration. It hurts me to say that I will not be making a sequel, unless I come up with some sort of idea. I love you all so much and the journey with the Internship has been amazing. I know it's not even close to the same, but I wrote an extra chapter to give you guys something instead of nothing. I hope you enjoy this extra chapter about some more of Betty's life with the Avengers, I love you all 3000.



  Betty's POV: Peter and I are snuggled together on one of the many couches in the movie room, at the Avengers compound. The rest of the Avengers either have their own couch, or are snuggling with their significant others. I look towards Tony and Pepper and smile, they are my litteral relationship goals! They are just so so cute together! They are snuggled up and they just look so happy. I smile a little brighter because Nat and I know something that everyone else (besides Pepper) don't know. Pepper sees me looking and sends me a wink. Tony looks at me confused, I just stick my tongue out. We have a movie night every Thursday, and tonight is my pick little does Tony know, this movie will change his life forever.

  The last person to walk in is Sam, and once he does I turn to Peter who's head is on my shoulder. "Pete I need to get up to put the movie on." He wraps me in a bear hug, "No you're warm." "Peter I'll be back in a second, this is important." He groans but he let's me go. I go to the front. "Ok everyone my choice movie is a little different... It is home made and a lot of you are in it without your consent, so please don't sue me! Everyone laughs. I put the cd in the player. "Without further ado, I give you... The announcement!"

   I sit down as the movie starts to play Peter puts his arm around me and leans towards me "What's going on?" He whispers. "You'll see" I smile. It starts with a slideshow of old baby pictures of everyone. There's lots of awes and lots of laughs. Then it goes to me taking. "I always wondered as a kid what it would be like to be a child of one the Avengers. To have an uncle who is a god, an aunt that is a skiled spy and assassin, etc. Now I know what it's like to be part of the Avengers, and now I know. And there's nothing better than this." It switches to a video of Tony and Peter. They're enjoying victory sundaes laughing and smiling Peter isn't looking, but Tony is giving him a proud look filled with fatherly love. Peter watches the video in amazement. It goes to Natasha talking "This family is amazing, it's changed my life forever and made me good forever. The screens changes to a video of Tony making Peter and I's upgraded suits and talking to Friday. "Friday run tests for any problems, these suits need to be 110% safe. I can't risk the kids getting hurt... I care too much about them." More and more clips like this play. Then Pepper comes on screen, "Hello to everyone here in the movie room, my closest friends and family. This journey has been incredible. And I'm glad we're here as one big family" I glance towards Pepper it's her cue she stands up and makes her way to the front without anyone except Tony noticing. The video continues "This family is so great... But I think it's time to bring in someone new." Pepper stands in front of the screen "I'M PREGNANT!"

  Everyone cheers and I watch Tony's reaction his hand flies to his mouth and tears instantly fill his eyes. He slowly walks up to her and takes her hand "I'm going to be a dad?" She nods. The realization hits and he jumps up and down "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" He kisses Pepper and as he does I use my powers to pull the string that sends balloons flying down. Everyone cheers and Nat pops open a bottle of champagne. Peter looks at me amazed, "You knew?" "Of course I did!" He hugs me, "This is going to be amazing!" "I know!" We look towards Pepper and Tony who are in deep conversation with happy grins. Soon Tony taps a spoon against his glass

  "Can I have everyone's attention? My wife and I have came to a very important descion." He looks towards Pepper and she starts talking "We have decided the God parents of our little angel... The God mother we've chosen is... Natasha!" I grin and look towards Nat, her mouth flies open and she starts to cry. It takes a lot to make the Black Widow cry, so this is how you know for sure that she is happy beyond words. Pepper walks towards her and gives her a huge hug, and with a grin on her face she keeps talking "Nat, I've known you for what feels like a lifetime, you're my bestfriend 2nd to Tony, and I love you so much." They hug again both now crying. Tony takes over, "Natasha there's no one more fit for the job, you've become one of my closest friends over the years and I am forever thankful for you." They hug. He continues to speak "Now for the position of our child's God father there are so many candidates and so many good friends to choose from. You are all going to be so special in our child's life, title or no title. But in the end Pepper and I couldn't decide because there are 2 who fit the job title 110%. So we decided that our child will have not 1 but 2 God father's. The 1st one is my sworn protector, and one of my best friends who's never left my side... Happy!" Happy well... Looks happy. He smiles so bright and I think I see his eyes get misty. Tony and Happy share a long hug, and then Pepper hugs him too. Tony starts to speak again, and the 2nd God father we chose has been been by my side for years. The man who never stopped looking for me when I was lost in the desert, my bestfriend... Rhodey!" Annnnnd cue more hugging. Tony and Rhodey hug for a long time and both shed some tears. Everyone cheers. This is night is truly wonderful I take Peter's hand. He looks at me with a bright Parker smile. Which I know if about to get brighter. Tony starts talking again. "We all know I don't follow the rules. Obvioulsy Pepper and I stepped out of the box with our choice. So why not destroy the box?" Everyone looks confused. Peter looks at me "What's going on?", I just shrug and hide a smile. "Pepper and I have made a whole new position. Our child's going to have... A God brother. And the one person who deserves to be it is one of my favorite people in the world. The boy who never stops fighting for what's right, and will save, anyone even if they just had a building dropped on them by that person." Peter squeezes my hand. "The strongest teen I know... Who's also the nerdiest. The future of the Avengers... Peter Parker." Peter's hand fly to his mouth, he is in complete shock. Tony smiles and stands in front of him "Peter, I know you will be an amazing brother." Peter's arms fly around Mr Stark, Tony's arms wrap around him tightly. I secretly snap a picture. They break apart and Peter hugs Pepper aswell with tears streaming down his face. "Thank you guys." They smile "No thank you." Tony says. Peter turns towards me "Do I get a hug?" I ask with open arms, he nods. We hug tightly "I'm so happy." "Me too." "Did you know?" "Yeah, Pepper and Tony have been talking about kids for a long time. And Tony threw out that idea a few months ago. So I assume in the intense talk they had, they confirmed they're choices." "I'm so surprised but so happy. I always knew Tony cared about me like I care about him without words... But the fact that he confirmed how he feels is just so amazing." "He really loves you like a son." "And I love him like a father. He's going to do an amazing job." I watch him not leaving Pepper's side, with a huge smile on his face, he stares at her stomach in disbelief. "You're absolutely right."

I know this chapter was a lot of Pepperony, but their my favorite ship, so I had to do it ;) I tried to include a lot of Petty though, because that's what the Internship is about.


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