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(i've never been in a coma, nor have i known anyone in a coma, so this might not be right.) 




Where am I? Why can't I move? I heard a door open and close, and footsteps. They stopped assumedly to my right. I felt a hand grab mine lightly. I wish that I could hold their hand back. Suddenly, I felt something wet land on the back of my hand. I could only assume they were tears. Who would be crying over me? 




"..tord. please.. wake up. i need you.." the person said, in a voice only above a whisper. I wanted nothing more to tell them that I was awake. I can think, I can hear them, I just, can't move. Who is that talking? Their voice is so familiar to me. Please, talk again, so I can hear your voice. I felt a kiss press gently against my forehead. It was almost as if I was made of glass, and the smallest movement would shatter me. I heard the door open, and close. The first person didn't leave, their hand was still on mine. There were more footsteps. I felt another hand on top of mine, joining the first.




"..Tom. You have to understand that he might not wake up." Tom! That's who it was! Tom was a very important person to me. What was he to me? What did he mean to me? Tom's grip tightened ever so slightly on mine. More tears fell onto my hand. There was a ruffle of clothing. The second person that came into the room must be consoling Tom.

"i-i know, edd. can't i have hope? i need him." Tom sounded so sad. so devastated. Tom! I'm alright! Please! Don't cry! The beeping of the heart monitor kept repeating it's sound over and over again. It had become background noise by now. It was comforting, to say the least. It let me know that I was still alive. Still breathing. 

Edd had left the room, closing the door behind him. I could hear the sound of myself breathing. It was almost as if I'm not in my own body. I put all of my thoughts, and all of my strength into my hand. I need to hold Tom's hand, and let him know that I'm here. I'm okay! I could feel my finger move ever-so-slightly. Did Tom notice?

"tord, you've been asleep for a month now. edd and matt are trying to help me, by making me think less of you, but it won't happen. i need you to wake up. i thought i saw you move, only your finger, but i might just be going crazy. i'm going to stay strong. i know that's what you'd tell me to do. i love you. i'm going to stay here with you." Tom did notice me move. I have no choice, but to try and move again.

I concentrated. I need to move! I need to be there for Tom! I love him! Tom needs to stay strong! I need to give him hope in me! Stay. Strong. My finger moved, more than before. I heard a gasp, and more tears plopped down on my hand, and on the sheet next to me. "tord.. can you hear me? move your pointer finger if you can." I tried, and I tried. I need Tom to believe in me. I moved my pointer finger, like he instructed. I heard another gasp, and more tears.

"tord! i'm so glad you can hear me! so glad!" There were tears, and sniffles. Tom was trying to desperately hold his sobs in. "Edd!" Tom called, the joy was evident in his voice. The door opened quickly. "Is he awake?!" Edd asked quite loudly. It slightly hurt my head, and a slight ringing was heard afterwards. I must be more sensitive now that I'm asleep. "Edd! he can hear us!" Tom said, the sob escaping his throat. 

"He can? How can you tell?" Tom explained to Edd about my moving fingers, and how I was able to respond to him. Tom gripped onto my hand tightly. "i knew i shouldn't give up on you." He whispered quietly. I could only assume there was a smile on his face. "Can we see if he'll do it again?" Edd asked. Tom presumably nodded. "tord, i need you to try and move your ring finger on your right hand if you can hear me. try your best, i believe in you." Tom whispered.

It was easier to move now. I tapped my ring finger against the bed lightly. There was a squeal of excitement. "Edd, he can hear us!" Tom was excitedly rambling to Edd. I tried to move multiple fingers at once. It was easier than before. Maybe I can type out a message in morse code? Would they even understand morse code? I tried to open my eyes. "Edd, his heart rate is accelerating. Should we call a doctor?" Worry was evident in Tom's voice. I could feel my eyes moving, but I couldn't open my eyelids. "Edd, go get a doctor, just in case." 

A few moments later, the door opened again. "He's been moving his fingers, he's responded to us talking to him, and it's evident that he can hear us. His heart rate sped up too." There was a flipping of papers. "He needs more energy. He's trying to move." A few moments of silence later, a sharp pain erupted in my arm. He had given me a shot of sorts. "An energy shot, to speed up the process." the doctor explained. 

After a few tries, I was finally able to open my eyes. The light was blinding, and I had to blink multiple times to get over the bright light. The first thing I saw, was Tom. Tears cascaded down his cheeks, and he was smiling widely. He's my boyfriend. I love him dearly. That's what he means to me. "Tord! You're awake!" Tom cried. I tried to talk, but I couldn't I could only blink, and move my fingers. 

After a few days of trying to move, I was able to talk. Tom stayed by me for every second. "tom, thank you so much. for loving me, for believing in me, and for trusting me. I don't know if I would have made it without you." Tom smiled, and nodded, grabbing my hand.

"I spent all this time with you, and I'm sure as heck not giving up now."

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