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Tom and Tord laid on Tord's bed. They were looking at the wedding rings on their hands. They were to be married soon. They still hadn't told Edd and Matt about their situation. The fact that the two had been dating for two years, and were now getting married. They honestly tried to make it as obvious as possible. Tord once even took of his ring, and set it on the table, in front of Edd and Matt. Edd said,"nice ring." And they went on their ways.

Tord sighed. "We're just going to have to flat out tell them. They're too dense to figure it out on their own." Tom nodded against Tord's chest. "When. Now?" Tord thought it over. He shrugged. "Why not?" Tom stood up, and pulled Tord up. "Even if they're not okay with.. y'know, us.. we're moving out soon anyways." Tord said. Tom nodded, grabbing Tord's hand. They walked into the living room, where Edd and Matt were sitting on the couch, watching TV. Edd looked over at Tom and Tord, still holding hands. "Oh? Why're you two holding hands?" Edd asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Edd.. we're getting married, like, next month." Tord said. Edd looked at them, then at their hands. "Since when? Haven't you two always been enemies?" Tom rolled his eyes, even though nobody could see it. "Edd are you really that oblivious? We've been together for over two years.." Edd looked at them. ".. wait. Really? For serious? That's great, but have I really not noticed?" Both Tom and Tord nodded. Edd put his hands up to his face to think. "Wait, is that why you put the ring on the table that one time? You were showing us you were getting married?" Edd was happy for the two, just thoroughly confused. Matt looked at them. "Edd, are you for serious? You haven't noticed them together? They've been really obvious." Matt said, raising an eyebrow

Edd got up and walked away, to think. Matt sighed, and stoop up, leaving as well. Tom looked at Tord. "Well, that went a bit better than I expected." Tord nodded. Tord clapped his hands together loudly. "Well, we have a wedding to finish planning." They walked to the table, and Tord got his laptop out. They had already got the majority done. They already chose a location, cake, flowers, and entertainment. All they really needed was the clothes. Tom sighed, and put his head on the table. Planning a wedding was boring. Tord took Tom's hand in his own from across the table, and smiled. "Planning a wedding is soo boring." Tom whined. Tord smiled, and stood up, Tom's hand still in his own. He brought Tom over to a clear area in the living room. Tord put his free hand on Tom's waist, and Tom knew what was going on. He smiled, putting his own hand on Tord's shoulder. They started dancing slowly in the living room, music nonexistent. Tom smiled, humming softly. Tord twirled Tom gently. This was the dork that Tord had fallen in love with. They both laughed, and Tom kissed Tord gently. He then let go of Tord entirely, and sat back at the table. "We still have to plan a wedding y'know." Tord sighed, and sat next to Tom. "I know."

The wedding planning process went quite smoothly. Now, it was the day of the wedding. Tom was asked by Tord multiple times to wear a dress. After many days of convincing, Tom finally agreed to wear a dress. He was still a bit reluctant though. Tom walked down the aisle in the long white dress. Tord laughed quietly. There weren't that many guests, because Tom and Tord didn't want too many. It consisted of Tord's close friends, Patryk and Paul. Edd and Matt were obviously there was well. Tom's mother, and Tord's parents. There were also a few others, but nonetheless, it was a small wedding. After some speaking, it was time for the vows. "Tom, I've loved you for who knows how long. I'm always trying to keep it real, but now I'm in love with how you feel. I care about you more than anyone else could say. I love you." Tom smiled widely. His face was very red, but he was happy. Tord slipped the ring onto Tom's finger.

"We sure are cute for two ugly people," Tord laughed quietly, already tearing up. "I love you so much. I've been waiting for this moment for years. Even since before we started dating, I'll admit. I've always dreamed about being married to you, and now it's finally happening. I'm honestly not sure how to react. I do know one thing for sure though. I love you. That's a fact. Don't ever forget that I love you." Tom finished, putting the ring onto Tord's finger. They kissed, and everyone cheered. Tom and Tord laughed, both wiping tears from their eyes. It was a good day.

There were boxes scattered around the room. "Tord, where's the box full of my music stuff?" Tom shouted from one room. There was silence for a moment. "Maybe in the.. living room?" Tord shouted back. They were unpacking their things in their new house. Edd and Matt were sad that they were leaving, but nonetheless, were happy for the two. Tom walked into the living room, and saw Tord on the couch, with a bowl of popcorn, and two bottles of soda. His laptop was set up, a movie just starting. "Do you want to come watch a movie with me?" Tom smiled, and sat next to Tord. "You know I do." Tord laughed, and wrapped his arms around Tom tightly.

"I love you so much. Don't forget that."

TomTord-Tordtom Oneshots 2Where stories live. Discover now