road trip

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Tom sighed, sitting at the table. He felt like he was somewhat unwanted at the household. It was never directly said, but Tom could feel it. He could feel that he was the one friend the others hung out with because they felt sorry for him. Tom looked at the door. Should he just leave without a word? Who'd miss him? They'd probably get over it pretty fast. Tom looked at the time displayed on a small clock, hanging on the wall. Four Thirty-Two in the morning. Tom sighed, rubbing his eyes. He should probably get to bed soon.

"Tom?" Tom looked to the hallway. Tord was there, looking at Tom. Tom lazily waved to Tord. "What're you doing? It's pretty early." Tom shrugged, looking at the door again. Tord caught his gaze at the door. He walked up, and sat at the table with Tom. "Would you like to leave with me?" Tom asked, out of the blue. Tord looked at him. It didn't sound like a bad idea. Tord made a small 'hmm' sound. "Sure. When are we leaving?" Tom looked at him in disbelief. "Sweet, I thought you'd say no.. How about we leave.. now." Tom said, there was a look in his eyes. He's been thinking of this for a long time. "Alright, we might need to pack some clothes first though.." Tord thought out loud. Tom nodded, walking to his room. Tord got up, and headed to his room as well. He knew there wouldn't be much space in the car for multiple bags, so he didn't pack much. Two pairs of pants, three shirts, some socks, boxers, and two hoodies. He tied one hoodie around his waist, and he was wearing a white shirt, and a pair of jeans. Tord zipped up his bag, and walked into the living room where Tom was.

Tom had a small blue backpack, and he was wearing a blue t-shirt, and black jeans. "You ready to go?" He asked. Tord nodded. Tord took the keys, and walked out of the house. By now, it was around five in the morning, but who's counting? Tord got into the red car, and started it up. He pulled out of the driveway, and they were off. Who knows where they were going? Who cares! The feeling of freedom in that very moment was one of the most amazing feelings. Tom rolled down the window, feeling the wind on his face. "Y'know, this was actually a great idea!" Tom shouted over the wind. Tord smiled, and nodded. He turned on the radio, the song Distance (by Andrew Jackson Jihad) started playing. The song only added to the feeling of pure happiness. There were no rules, and nothing to hold them back.

Tord's phone rang. The music, and wind almost made him miss the call. He picked up the phone, looking at the caller ID. It rang, with a picture of Edd. "Should I answer it?" Tord asked, glancing at Tom. Tom hesitantly shook his head. "There would be too many questions." Tord nodded, and let the call go to voicemail.

The time was now around Eight. They had been driving for who knows how long. It was dark out, and they were starting to get tired. Tom was looking out his window, the scenery passing by quickly with the speed of the car. Tom suddenly gasped loudly, making Tord swerve slightly in surprise. "What?! What's wrong?!" Tord asked, slowing down the car. "Tord look! I used to come here all the time! Stop the car!" Tom said excitedly. Tord sighed, and pulled over. He parked the car next to the curb of the sidewalk. They both got out, and Tord locked the car.

Tom ran over to a tree, Tord following much slower behind. Tom sat down, his back against the tree. "My mom used to bring me here all the time." Tord finally caught up, and sat down next to Tom. It was late at this point. All of the stars had come out, and it was a breathtaking sight.

Tom scoot a bit closer to Tord, smiling.   "My mom and I used to come out here all the time. Late at night, so all of the stars would come out." Tom said, gesturing to the sky. Tord looked up at the sky, and flopped down onto the ground. Tom followed suit but more gently. There they laid, star gazing.

Tom smiled at the nostalgic feeling of laying on the grass in the chilly night, looking at the stars. Tom glanced at the tree, and smiled when he saw the three letters of 'TOM' crudely carved into the tree. He gently ran his fingers over the indentations, still laying down. Tord looked up at what Tom was doing.

"Did you do that when you came here with your mom?" He asked. Tom nodded, a sweet smile on his face. Tord sighed, looking back ag the stars. He pointed up in the sky, at a specific cluster of star. "That's the Big Dipper." Tom looked up where Tord was pointing. He could vaguely see the shape.

Tom suddenly took Tord's hand in his own. It startled Tord, but he calmed down after a second. Tord smiled, lightly squeezing Tom's hand. Tord looked at Tom. He was gazing at the stars. Tord quietly took a breath in. He needed a bit of courage for what he was about to say.

"Y'know, running away with you was probably one of the best things I've ever done."

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