This means Buisness

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As the credits roll and the movie ends I feel a wave of sudden sadness overcome me. Sure, I have nowhere else to go tonight but that isn't the worst part. I just don't want to have to say goodbye to this place. Veronica sits patiently with me until all that is left on the screen is a blank picture.
"Good movie," She says awkwardly.
"Always" I reply back.
She stays quiet a while longer but eventually she stands herself up. "You can't sit here forever," she says. She reaches her hand out to mine and I brush it aside. She lets out a hearty laugh that takes me by surprise.
"Thanks" I say to her and she gives me a warm smile as we walk to the car park.

The movie theatre behind us has been enveloped in darkness as the remaining lights are turned off.

"At least you still have pops," Veronica says, but that means nothing to me.
"Not if the person who bought this place buys it," I say sadly. She gives me that worried look again, as if she knows more than she's letting on. I'm not about to interrogate her tonight. I'll go back to hating her tomorrow.

"Well that's my ride" she says awkwardly, pointing to a black limousine pulling up. "Are you gonna be alright?"
"Yeah, my bikes behind the theatre, I'll just ride to the Whyte Wyrm tonight" I lie. She nods and waves a final time before walking away into the night.

As the mysterious car pulls away I let out one final sigh before moving slowly towards my bike, scuffing my feet in the road as I do. Home isn't an option and I don't feel like dealing with anyone's pity so instead I find myself making my way to the place I usually try to avoid. The school. The school is unusually easy to break into so I find the one place they don't have security cameras: the boys locker room and set up camp for the night.

Meanwhile, not too far away Veronica arrives at her home, this time with a weight hanging on her shoulders.
"Father," she calls out innocently, because as annoyed and guilty as she feels she knows he's easier to deal with when she acts like his perfect daughter.
"In the lounge Mija," Hiram calls out.
"You bought the theatre," Veronica says confidently, strutting into the room. Hiram lifts his head above the newspaper and sighs.
"Why do you care," Hiram asks, avoiding her question
"Because, because-" she stutters.
She doesn't really know why she cares. Its an old theatre that no one cares about or uses. It was probably gonna go soon anyway. But despite everything she does care.
"It doesn't matter, just tell me!" She answers
"Is it that because of that Archie boy becau-"
"No, it's not, so answer the question" Veronica says sternly, losing all the patience she brought into this conversation.
"I'm not interested in your games father, this is about business."
Hiram pauses.
"I did," he says, leaning forwards as he speaks.
"Legally?" Veronica asks.
"Everything I do is legal," Hiram chuckles out and Veronica sighs.
"Are you done then, with Riverdale?"
She already knows her fathers reply but she needs to hear it herself.
"I've got plans, Mija, big plans. I'm sure you would love them if you just opened yourself up to the opportunities of this business"
"Unlike you I don't plan on going to jail."
Her father's face turns cold. "Tread lightly Mija"

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