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Spongebob moaned as he pulled her in closer, gripping onto her hips as she moved them over the growing bulge deep within his pants, huh, it felt good, hnn, so good, he didn't want to stop he remembered, tears stained their cheeks as they made out.

"Hnn.." she moaned, he could have sworn she said his name, hnn he wanted it so bad, feeling her thrust into him, how his hands squeezed her perfectly sized breasts, how her hands rubbed his chest and how he could have let her touch his.. if things had not ended the way they had, who knows, they would have done it on that bench without a care in the world, everything had slowed down around them in that short moment, like they were the only things that had mattered, all they could see, hear, feel, and taste were each other.

Was he really that lonely? Seeing that witch, making him want her, he couldn't want her, no, not after what'd happened, but he did, oh man did he want her, he wanted her more than anyone he'd ever wanted, and that's saying a lot, because he never wanted anyone, as much as he needed her, but he couldn't have her, he didn't know what he was going to do, sitting here at the nut bar at goofy goobers, eating ice cream, it seemed that not even Ice Cream was enough to get him wasted.

"H, how could this happen, how could i let that happen." he cried to the waiter who was using a cloth to wipe the ice cream glasses, tears streamed from Spongebob's eyes, "I thought that, moving away would be the end of it, i wouldn't have had to face her again, but.. she found me, and she made me.. i can't believe i put my mouth on that." he shook his head.

"You know what she did?" he asked the man who shook his head, not really caring, "I spent months, recovering in that hospital, from an accident that should have killed me, i don't know why she didn't come, she didn't even talk to me, She read my messages, yeah.. i just figured she was busy with school, or she got a new job that kept her busy." he shook his head as he stared at the partially eaten glass of ice cream that had started to melt.

"I fought to get better, for her, so i could see her again, i left the hospital, just in time for prom, i wanted to surprise her, i wanted to see the look on her beautiful face when she seen me, but, what i saw.." he shook his head.

"How did that even happen? why was she with him? he didn't love her, but they were dancing, and she was kissing him, i'm sure they fucked in the parking lot afterwards, heh and you know what's funny." he scoffed as he wiped his eyes, "Jered left her a few weeks after for some other chick, serves her right." he said as he stirred his ice cream.

"I thought it was over once i moved away, i wouldn't have to see her, or him again, wouldn't have to be reminded, but, here she comes, nearly fifteen years later, out of nowhere.." he sighed.

"I tried to avoid her, because I KNEW this would happen, and I was STUPID enough to let it happen, she wanted to spend time together, as 'friends' and my mother taught me not to be rude, so, i went along with it, i mean what was the worst that could happen, right? how could i still be upset over something that happened so long ago?" he questioned, "I wasn't, at first, id let it go, i couldn't see how i could let something as stupid as that get in the way of my life, i mean we were kids, so it wasn't real, but.."

"but we ended up making out not too long ago, she was.." he sighed, "I don't know why it felt so good, why i even let her kiss me and why i even kissed back, why i was, touching and.. but, it felt good, so good, i didn't want to stop, i wanted to continue, i wanted to touch her and, so many other, naughty things.. heh what kind of man am I?" he questioned before he started smacking his head, "WHY AM I- SO- DAMN- STUPID!" he said between slaps.

"I let this happen, i should have turned away when i had a chance, maybe it's time to move again.. but, why should I move, this is My home, I was here first, right? and here SHE comes out of nowhere, and Ruins everything, thats all shes good for, besides eating a bag of-" he murmured something to himself before he shoved a spoon of ice cream in his mouth.

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