Arranged Marriage Episode 3 Justlena

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Selena looks into his eyes Justin:*looks into hers* Selena: Kiss me Justin:*leans in and kisses her* Selena:*kisses back* Justin caress her cheek Selena pulls away Selena: I'm sorry Justin: it's fine i liked it Selena: i uh Justin: do you accept to marry me Selena: I don't think i have a choice do i? Justin: no you really don't Selena sighs Selena: Fine i guess but i ain't talking to my parents Justin: That's your choice not mine, I best go Selena: wait *hands him her phone* I need your number Justin types it in Selena sends him a message Selena: now you got my number Justin: I'll see you tomorrow i think Selena: Okay Justin kisses her cheek walks downstairs Justin: time to go SD: Is everything okay? Justin: perfect *sarcastic* she accepts the marriage since she knows she doesn't have a choice oh and i don't think she'll be talking to any of yous now, good luck, mum dad we're going JD,JM,Justin leave In the Car with Bieber's JM: So what did you talk about Justin: the wedding JD: Just the wedding Justin: how this is destroying her life plan basically JM: Did you argue Justin: no we had a civil conservation if we we're arguing you'd hear us don't you think JM: Justin Justin: what? JM: Don't talk to me like that Justin: what am i 5 mum i'm 21 okay i'm old enough to have my say JM:*sighs* JD: Justin we're doing this for you Justin: No! Your doing it for your business Brian admitted it you think i'm deaf and stupid all you care about it work JM: We're not having an argument now Justin: you just don't want the argument because you know i'm right *Smirks* JD: Justin?! Justin rolls his eyes and sighs Next Day Selena walks into school sees her ex kissing her ex best friend sighs sheds a tear walks to her locker grabs her books Bell goes Selena walks to class and sits in her usual seat, she opens her pad and begins to draw some designs while she is waiting for the teacher to walk in, puts one of her earphones in, Selena sees the teacher walk in she turns onto a clean page and the daydreams about her life MrJones: Miss Gomez Selena: yes? MrJones: Question 6 what's the answer Selena: *looks at the board* 53 Class shocked MrJones: correct Miss Gomez but please pay attention Selena secretly rolls her eyes and sighs Skip 2 Lunch Selena gets a text on Justin J- Hey whatcha u doinnn? S- I'm at school and it's lunch time so eating you? J- Work and eating also i decided to text you S- Well hello, how is work going for you? J- Great i mean i am the manager of my own company i love my job, hows school S- It's shit i hear my friends talking shit about me, it hurts J- Awe i'm sorry beautiful, their not your real friends if they talk shit about you S- Thanks and me beautiful yeah right good lie J- Who said i was lying and Sel your god damn beautiful never let anyone tell you different, and i was wondering later if you wanted to go out tonight get to know each-other more S- Sure will you pick me up after school i finish at 3 we can go out straight after J- Yeah of course, i finish at 2:45 anyways :) S- Okay i'll see you at 3 J- Okay bye gorgeous S- Bye Justin x End of convo Later on Justin arrives Everyone stares at him Selena walks out raises her eyebrows and folds her arms Justin smiles and chuckles a bit Selena sees girls staring at him rolls her eyes walks up to him Selena: seriously? Justin: what? Selena: your choice of vehicle Justin: what's wrong with the vehicle? Selena: mmmm maybe i could die Justin: what's wrong with a motorbike Selena: like i said i could die Justin: at least you'll die in my arms Selena: haha very funny, and another thing i'm not getting on the motorbike Justin:*puts the helmet on her head picks her up and sets her on then gets on himself* put your hands around my waist princess *puts his helmet on starts the bike* Selena: You owe me *wraps her arms around his waist* Justin laughs and drives off down the road

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