Niam #2

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Guys!! C'mon!! We need some feedback! please? Is it good? yes? no? any requests?? This One shot was written by my friend Laura, im not taking any credit, just tell us if you think were good writers or not :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

NIALL'S POV  Me and Liam have been getting closer than usual. He's just more touchy. And I mean, I am too. If I'm able to, I will touch him, there is just something that makes me attracted to him. I'm taken out of my thoughts when I feel Liam's arm snaking around me. Then he pulled me closer, into his toned chest.  We were sitting on the couch, watching t.v. Well...Liam was, I was more focused on the beautiful boy next to me.    I loved how his eyebrows furrow when he is thinking, And  you can see all of his emotions in his chocolaty brown eyes. 

-"Snowflake, let's go upstairs, all of the other boys are asleep, and it's getting late." Liam said. 

-"you can sleep in my room." 

-"O.k, thanks LiLi!!" I answered. I slowly got up. 

-"I'LL RACE YOU!!" I whisper screamed to him. Then, I ran up the stairs, Liam was following close behind. When I was in Liam's room, I tripped on a shoebox and fell onto the bed; as did Liam.  We were so close, his faces inches from mine. I could feel his hot breath on my own lips. 

-"Liam?" I asked


-"well, your kinda squishing me, and I can't breath."

-"oh...Yeah, sorry Nialler."  He slowly got off of me and took his shirt off, then he walked over to the bathroom.

-"Um, Ni? you can use this tooth brush, its new."

-"Thanks Lili!!" i walked over and put some tooth paste on the tooth brush, and start to brush my teeth. Liam slowly came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. 

-"Ni, what do you think about Niam?" he asked.

-"I think...he's an o.k. lad." Wow. I'm an idiot. O.k? o.k? why would i say o.k? I loved Niam!! It was my favorite bromance of the band. And Liam is the nicest to me. He always sticks up for me, and comforts me when I'm sad. He really does cheer me up, he never fails to put a smile on my face; and i love him for that. 

-"Well, I kinda love Niam." He said.


-"Well, i mean, you know."

-"No Liam, i don't 'know' what your talking about."

-"Well, Ni, Ive been thinking lately, and its just that, when ever I'm around you, i get butterflies in my stomach, and i always go crazy on the inside when we touch. You always make me happy, and i want to be happy with you. I guess what I'm trying to say is, that.....ikindareallyloveyoualotandiwanttobeyourbofriend." He looked up at me shyly and scratched his neck.

-"Li. I couldnt hear a word that you just said."

-"Ni! I said that i love you!"


I had finally got the courage to say it.

-"Ni! I said that i love you!" i said to him.

-"i,i, um, Liam, i really dont know what to say, i mean were be-" but i cut him off and pushed my lips to his. By this time he was finished brushing his teeth and we were sitting on the bed, right next to each other. His lips were so full, but so different from kissing a girl. I kind of almost felt better than kissing a girl too. This was the moment i had been waiting for, but he didn't kiss back. I started to pull away, but he just pulled me back onto him. Literally, onto him. I was laying on top of him, our legs tangled together in a mess. The kiss got very heated, I brought my fingers up to his hair and started to lightly tug, and every time i did, i would get a moan escape his lips. We both pulled back breathless, i rolled over, so that i was now next to him.


-"Yes, Snowflake?" i asked

-"Wh-what does this mean, i mean, for us?" 

-"What ever you want it to be Ni" 

-"Well, what do you want it to be?"

-"Everything-" I pecked his lips.

-"And anything, there ever could be."

-"Good, cause so do I." he said with a huge grin on his face.

-"Liam, I love you, More than the world, and more than anything, I'm sorry it took such a long time for me to realize. But now that i have, i know what i was missing. And i wont miss it any more, cause ill be there for you when ever you need me."

-"I love you so much more Niall."

-"Well, Liam, i love you most."


Feedback Please guys!! :) Comment, Vote, and Fan please :)  Were gonna say, for us to post the next one, 5 votes, and at Least 2 comments:) Thanks love you all! Xx.

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