04. Pricks and Pizza Guys

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"Great, he isn't home yet" Stella says excitedly as she unlocks the door and is met with silence

We slip inside and head upstairs towards her bedroom, I flop on her bed as she goes back downstairs after throwing her backpack in a corner

I just assumed she was getting snacks so I go onto my phone as I wait for Stella to arrive back to her room with no doubt a bunch of snacks.

I get a text message, as I'm scrolling through Instagram, from Easton

Easton- You seemed tense when I was talking to you. Is everything alright?

Amelia- Yeah, everything is fine

I text him hoping that he won't ask about it anymore

"Bitch, I got the good stuff" Stella shouts as she walks in with gummy candy, chocolate, popcorn, a pack of cupcakes, giant bags of chips, donuts and nutella

"Stella, you do realize that we're also ordering pizza and bread sticks right?" I ask her as she put all the food down in the middle of the bed

"Yeah you're right," she says like it just dawned on her

"Thank-" I start to say but she cuts me off

"How could I forget the drinks" she says then walks out of her room to go get drinks from the kitchen

I groan and flop back down on her bed against her pillows in frustration.

"I have vodka and sprite" Stella says as she walks back into the room and place the two bottles on the nightstand near her bed

She hops over me and onto the other side of her bed and pulls up Netflix on her tv, I grab the bag of doritos and start to eat them as Stella picks the movie 'Spring Breakers'.

I hear the doorbell ring 4 minutes later, so I volunteer to go down and get the pizza since Stella is staring at the screen like it's the last show she'll ever watch

I walk out of her room, down the wooden stairs and towards the main door. I open the big door to be met with a pair of green eyes

"Hi, are you- Stella?" he asks pausing to read the name then smiling, I laugh at him and shake my head

"No, she's upstairs. I'll take it to her" I say smiling at him as I grab the pizza, I go to hand him the money but he rejects it

"It's on the house" he says smiling causing me to frown instantly

"No, take the money. Use it for gas or tips if you're not gonna use it towards the pizza" I say practically begging him to take the money.

He sighs defeated and takes the money causing me to smile which also makes him smile

"You're really pretty" the boy says causing me to blush awkwardly

"Thanks uh-" I say looking at his name tag "Hayden" I finish making him smile

"Of course. Do you mind if I ask your name?" He asks shyly as he looks down and blushes

Omg. He's so cute and adorable. Kind of like a puppy.

"My name is Amelia" I say smiling at his nervous-flustered state

"A pretty name for a pretty girl" he says as I try very hard not to cringe at the use of that pick up line

"I should probably go" I say smiling, as I go to shut the door his foot blocks it making me stop my movements and arch my eyebrow at him in question

"Can I kiss you?" He asks making me slightly curious and suspicious but, before I could reply a voice interrupted us

"No, you may not kiss my wife" the all too familiar voice of the other twin says automatically making me fume in anger

I glare at him as he walks up the stairs of the porch and into the house then stops once he reaches me and turns around to glare at the delivery boy

"I'd advise you to get off my property before I call the police" Easton says in anything but a friendly tone as he glares at the delivery boy with so much hatred

I see Hayden coward and run away in fear, as soon as he reaches his delivery car he wastes no time in speeding away.

"We're not married" I stated, after a couple of seconds, in a monotone voice as I looked at his back, I place the pizza on the counter

"Why would you tell him we're married?" I ask him gently and softly since he's tense and still looks angry

I go to touch his shoulder but he roughly grabs my wrist and pulls me closer towards him, so that we're now practically breathing each others breaths

I move my other hand that isn't in captivity and place it on his cheek while slightly moving my thumb as a sort of calming mechanism

He leans into my touch almost immediately causing me to smile.

Nobody knows this side of him except for his family and me.

I care about Easton as a friend but, I'm not attracted to him. Do I think he's cute? Sometimes. Do I think he's hot? Of course. But the way I've seen him treat girls in the past, how he just leaves them so heartbroken. I could never be with someone, like that, romantically.

I pull my hand away from his faces then step away as soon as he lets go of my hand

I send him one last smile before I turn away from his sad expression, pick up the pizza and start to run up the stairs towards Stella's room.

Upon entering Stella's bedroom I close the door, walk back to my previous spot on the bed and place the pizza in between us

"Why do boys have to be such jerks?" I sigh in confusion

Stella turns to me, if Stella is turning to me while the movie is still playing that means she's serious, then she gives me a confused look

"Did something happen?" She asks genuinely concerned

I contemplate telling her the story downstairs but, decide against it

"No, while I was downstairs I was just thinking about why boys are jerks" I say trying not to make my voice waver so she thinks I'm telling the truth, she let's out a relieved sigh making me stare at her in confusion

"I thought my brother was hitting on you again. I was getting worried and was about to come downstairs until I heard you coming up the stairs" she explains to me making me suddenly feel paler as I think about the after school fiasco with Easton.

"I need to get drunk" I say.

See those words right there lead to so many problems but, right now I couldn't care less.

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