27. Prom Dress Shopping

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Remember when I said that Stella and I would go prom dress shopping after school?

Yeah, well that never happened.

We got swarmed with homework since it's close to the end of the year so we had to put shopping off for five days.

When I woke up from sleeping in Easton's room, his mom playfully bombarded me with many questions while Stella just smiled.

I told her that him and I were just friends.

After I told her that, her mood seemed to dampen.

Stella and I are currently at the mall.

She said that I would look good in a black dress while I said she would look good in a white dress so that we wouldn't spend all day looking through dresses since we're on a time crunch.

"You should try this on" she says as she hands me a long sleeved black dress with some lace details

I take the dress and walk inside of the dressing room. When I have the dress on I look in the mirror and critique how it looks on me.

It's off the shoulders and the sleeves are made out of lace while the rest of the dress is stretchy and form fitting. It stops mid thigh and doesn't ride up.

I step out of the dressing room so that I can get someone else's opinion. As soon as Stella's eyes land on me she blatantly checks me out to the point where she drools a little

"Stella, you're drooling" I say which causes her eyes to snap up to mine

"You better buy that dress" she says in a serious tone with a little seduction behind it

"Calm down and thanks" I say with a smile before I walk into the dressing room so that I can remove the dress and pay for it.

We found Stella's dress a couple minutes later. It is a long white dress that pools at the floor, it also has spaghetti straps.

After we finished up in that dress shop, we went to a jewelry and a makeup store before we got our nails done.

We finally finished around eight at night.

As we walk through Stella's house holding her bags, since I already brought mine home, her mom looks at us like we're crazy

"Please tell me that you're going to use all of that more than once" her mom says as she rubs her temples

"Of course" Stella replies before we start to walk upstairs towards her room

"Amelia, can you spend the night with me again?" Easton asks as soon as Stella and I set her bags down

How did he know I was here?

I look at Stella as if asking her if it's okay since I did say that I was going to spend more time with her

"Are you kidding?" She asks incredulously when she sees the look that I give her

"You've spent all day with me, Of course you can go with him" she says which makes me smile as I hug her

She hugs back tightly before we let go of each other. I walk towards Easton and he grabs my hand as we walk out of her room and into his room.

I walk into his closet and grab a hoodie before I strip and change into it.

When I walk out into his room, he turns his head towards me and smiles before he grabs my hand and twirls me around

"You look cute in my clothes" he says which makes me blush before I crawl into his bed, him copying my movements after I'm comfortable.

"So I was thinking that we could watch Disney movies until we get tired" he says which makes me coo at him as he blushes


"Of course" I say which makes him smile as he puts on the movie 'Up'

Halfway through the movie I feel the need to move my hands, so I ask him if he wants a head massage. When he agrees, I lay his head on my lap before I run my fingers through his short black hair.

After a couple minutes of giving him a head massage, he falls asleep as I continue to watch the movie.

I wait until the movie ends for me to go to sleep since it's one of my favorite movies.

As I'm falling asleep I feel Easton shift and wrap his arms tightly around my waist before he snuggles into my stomach.

Friends cuddle, right?

Stella and I cuddle all the time, but it's never this intimate.

I hear my phone go off two times which makes me internally groan since I'm not in the mood to text someone back right now. I grab my phone and check the text messages

Asher-I have something serious to ask you

Asher- Do you think Stella would allow me to escort her prom? I'm kind of scared to ask her

I look at the messages for a couple seconds while thinking

I know that Stella still loves him.

And thankfully I ended what him and I had before he could develop feelings.

Me- You need to do a cheesy and over the top promposal for her. She likes that kind of stuff

Asher- thanks, you're the best

I set my phone down and immediately fall into a deep sleep.

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