33. Promise Me... Part 2

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I wish I knew where we were going so that I could be as excited as she is.


"Where are we?" I ask Stella as she pulls into an empty parking lot, I look up at the large white building and stare at it in confusion.

It looks empty.

"When you walk inside, take the elevator up onto the roof" she says before she unlocks the car door.

As soon as I step out of the car, she drives away which makes me look at her car in confusion since I can't see her.

I swear, if I get killed or kidnapped here I'm going to be royally pissed at her.

I slowly make my way towards the building before I pull open the large glass doors.

I expected it to be locked.

I walk around the dimly lit lobby in search of anyone, but I soon find out that it's void of anybody.

I walk towards the elevator and press the top button before waiting for the doors to open. I jump back a little when I see a middle aged man in a black and white suit that has a cloth balanced on his wrist standing in the corner of the elevator.

A Butler?

I cautiously step into the machine before pressing the top button, that leads to the roof.

When the elevator stops and the doors slide open, I'm unable to stops the gasp that leaves my lips as I look around.

I'm in shock at the scene that surrounds me.

There's a circle table in the middle that's covered by a white tablecloth. A candlestick in the middle of the table along with two plates on opposite ends of the table.

As I walk further onto the roof, I see Easton standing beside the table while holding a white rose.

My favorite flower.

I smile brightly as I stop in front of him. He's in a crisp white suit along with a black tie. His hands are nervously shaking as he hands me the rose. I accept the rose before I grab his hand and lace our fingers together.

"How long have you been here?" I ask curiously as he kisses my forehead and leads us towards the table

"Ever since I left you this afternoon" he says with a smile as he pulls my chair out which makes me stare at him with shock

He's been here for six hours?

"Is that why your Mom and Stella were acting weird all day?" I ask as I sit in the seat and slide myself in, he walks over to his seat and sits down before nodding his head

"I asked for my mother's help, but Stella found out on her own" he says before the butler from the elevator comes up to our table

"Sir. Madam." He greets us with a single nod

"Your food will be delivered in a couple of minutes. What will be your beverage of choice?" He asks as he takes out a pen and pad

"Coke" Easton replies with a smile before he turns to me

"Water" I say to the butler which causes him to nod his head before he walks off.

I look into his eyes and smile.

"You didn't have to do this. You know how much fancy stuff intimidates me" I say sweetly so that he doesn't take it the wrong way. He looks down at my hands, that are resting on top of the table, before grabbing them and lacing our fingers together.

He looks back into my eyes and gives me a big smile which makes my heart melt.

"I know, but I wanted to do something special for you before we went off to college and got swarmed with homework" he says which makes me smile

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