05. Nightclub Dudes

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"Do I look okay?" I ask Stella as I walk out of her closet wearing a black lace crop top, black skinny jeans and black combat boots

"Omg! Yes, you look like a bad bitch!" She says jumping off the bed and tackles me in a hug causing me to uncontrolably laugh.

As soon as she pulls away from me her door swings open causing us to turn our heads towards the victim in the doorway

"Stella did you take my-" Easton starts to ask but stops as soon as his eyes land on me, he looks me up and down slowly causing me to shift awkwardly under his gaze

He meets my eyes again causing me to gasp as his eyes become a darker grey and he licks his lips

"You're not going out like that" he says as he leans against her doorframe and crosses his arms

"And why isn't she?" Stella cuts in before I can say anything

"Do you see how she's dressed? She looks like a model. If she goes out like that then she's gonna get hit on by every male around her" he says as he gestures me up and down

"Are you trying to compliment her or make a point?" She asks getting frustrated, I decide it's time to step in before they go at each others throats

"How do you know what's best for me?" I find myself asking as I stare into his eyes, him doing the same

"I think we all know you've changed, bodily wise, since junior year" he say sighing causing me to glare at him and cross my arms

"And what's that supposed to mean? That I'm fat and ugly?" I question him getting slightly offended by his words, his eyes widen and he starts walking towards me and places his hands on the sides of my face so that I'm looking him in the eyes

"That's not what I meant" he says as his frustration from earlier suddenly melts away and is replaced by panic and caution

"Yeah, well what did you mean?" I ask as I lift my hands and remove his hands from my face then take a step away from him

"I meant that those boys might try something with you and I don't want to see you get hurt" he says, his gaze not leaving my eyes once

"That's my decision to make" I say as I walk around him, down the stairs and outside towards Stella's car since she lended me her keys.

Why did I say that to him. I didn't even mean it. I can't believe I literally just lied to him.

I shake my head from those thoughts and drive towards this new club that Emma told me about.

I arrive at the club "Liquid" and get out of the car then make my way towards the long line and wait

As soon as I reach the front of the line I reach into my pocket to pull out my fake ID but get stopped by the doorman

"Go ahead in. A pretty girl like you shouldn't wait in line" he says, I smile then head instead not mentioning the fact that I stood in line for twenty minutes

As I walk into the overcrowded club I walk straight towards the bar to get drunk and forget about everything that happened before I left


13 minutes later. 3 cups of vodka. 3 guys flirting with me.

"Do you know how gorgeous you look in that outfit?" a blonde haired male asks as he checks me out and bites his lower lip, causing me to giggle.

I was drunk off my ass.

And it was showing.

"I can't disagree. You look hot in that outfit and out of it too I bet" a brown haired male agreed causing me to gasp and smack his bicep as he just lifts his hands innocently making me giggle again.

If I was sober I would slap myself.

I never giggle. I hate giggling. Yet I'm doing it.

"Is it hot in here or is that just you?" a platinum blonde male asks causing the other to boys to nod in agreement.

If I was sober I would've probably cringed.

An idea suddenly comes to my mind causing my eyes to widen as if I was a genius

"Let's dance" I scream to no one in particular then stand up from the barstool I was sat in and climbed up on the bar then started moving my body in weird ways as I let the music guide my body.

A crowd started to form on the floor below me and they started chanting "strip" causing me to let out another round of giggles as I stopped dancing and sat down on the bar.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" a random guy asks but I get interrupted before I could reply

"No, she would not" I heard a very familiar voice say, then I saw him as he elbowed his way to the front of large crowd of boys around me.

I jump off the bar and head towards him, as I reach him I wrap my arms around his neck

"I missed you" I say as I bury my head into his neck then pull away so that I can look into his eyes but he's too busy glaring at some of the males that were around me.

He suddenly looks down at me then glares as he removes my hands from around his neck

"You're drunk" he states then grabs my wrist and starts to pull me away but I stop him by pulling my arm back

"No shit bitch" I say jokingly and start giggling again causing him to groan and rub his temples as he tilts his head back

"You're one of those drunks" he says unbelievably then walks up towards me and places his hands on my hips as he slowly leans in towards me

As I lean in he grips my waist tighter then throws me over his shoulder and hauls me out of the club as I giggle like a little kid on laughing gas.

He unlocks Stella's car then places me in the passenger seat of the car before he runs around the car and towards the drivers seat.

As soon as he gets into the car I climb over the middle console and into his lap, I lean in to kiss him but it only lasts a second before he pulls me away

"No, we can't do this" he says as he holds me back so I can't kiss him

"Why?" I pouted as I felt a pain in my chest because he's never rejected me before

"I don't want to take advantage of you" he says as he looks me in the eye

"But you're not taking advantage of me, I want you" I say as I go to kiss him again but he pushes me back again making me groan in frustration

"Believe me, you'll thank me for this" he says as I climb into the passenger seat and turn away from him while crossing my arms.

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