Chapter 1: Or else...?

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(Don't ask about the picture XD I got bored and made it 😂)


I groaned loudly and heard a "A-AGH!!!!" I sat up to look at the mirror but all I saw was the spell book land near my feet. But no Esther. ".....E....Esther.....?"

-------END OF RECAP-------

-------STILL YOUR POV-------

My heart was pounding. My body was shaking. My mind was clouded by worry and despair. Esther didn't make it, and I couldn't do anything about it. A tear rolled down my cheek while I shifted my attention from the mirror to the large spell book resting near my feet. I lifted the book which was surprisingly light and looked around. "Yup. This is my room alright, just the way I left it." I mumbled and sighed in sadness, what if the countries kill Esther? What could happen next? Can I save her? What- my thought process was interrupted when I heard my tummy growl. "Oof" I sighed again and put the book down. Making my way to the kitchen, I started to ponder in my thoughts again. I was too tired and depressed to cook so I just ordered some Wataburger (Its a burger place only here in Texas in case u didn't know 👌) After finishing my meal I went back to my room and looked through the spell book. "I can't even read any of this gibberish! How do people read a bunch of squiggles and shapes and actually comprehend it!?" I headbutted the book and groaned. After trying to look up information in any way, shape, or form, I yawned and fell asleep. This may take a while...


I was tied down to a chair in a dark room. Probably the basement. I was beaten, tortured, and made a fool. I had no sense of time or location, and I haven't been fed for about 3 days, no water or anything. I could barely sleep without either thinking of (Y/n)'s safety, or getting woken up to get beaten the crap out of. I felt my blood just dripping from my wounds and torn flesh. My eyes opened slightly to the clicking of a lock and squealing from the door opening. Heavy footsteps neared me and all I could do was stare at the ground, dull, lifeless almost. "Wake up." I heard a deep American voice break the silence. I didn't move, nor speak. Quickly annoyed from my lack of response, I winced feeling my head shoot up from a large hand grabbing my hair and forcing me to look at Germany. "Where is the spell book?" Germany's voice bommed, staring straight into my soul. I just smiled weakly and mumbled, "What book?" Everytime they would ask I would say the same thing. Even though it would lead to my next beating, I didn't care, (Y/n)'s safety means more than mine. "Again with this answer? Alright then.." With the snap of Germany's fingers, it was Russia's turn to beat me. While everyone else left, Russia had a box full of weapons, from semiautomatics (guns) to whips and blades. They made sure not to kill me so I can live longer to be tortured, I stopped screaming because it just gives them satisfaction. The Russian grinned sadistically with dull eyes. He looked forward to this everyday to show his hatred for me, the others having the same thing in mind. He played with a throwing knife for a bit and soon threw it straight in my stomach, as well as kicking it deeper in me. I groaned loudly and coughed a bit of blood on his leg, falling backwards in my chair. Russia quickly pulled me back up by my hair and just started punching me senselessly. After about an hour, Russia had remembered something, making his grin widen. "Hey Esther~ I just remembered a little deal we can make." My eyes narrowed as I shakily lifted my head, nose bleeding and mouth trembling. I had a few knives sticking out from my shoulder and my legs which made it more painful to move. "If you agree to this deal, (Y/n) will not be hurt or kidnapped ever again, but you must do what we say or else..." Russia's tone went from playful to dead serious, making me gulp quietly and grit my teeth. "O-or else w-what...?" I shakily mumbled. Russia grabbed me by my chin and roughly twisted and pulled out a knife that was in my thigh and put it to my throat. "Or else you will have to spend your last breaths watching (Y/n) get beaten and taken away while you rot~" My eyes widened, "D-DON'T HURT (Y/N)!!!" "Then follow our little rules and don't break the deal~ Understand, Да?" Russia spoke demonically, letting go of my chin and harshly shoving the knife back in my thigh. I let out a small shriek and nodded, anything to keep (Y/n) safe.

Hi guys! THE SEQUEL, IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! I hope you guys liked this and let me know what you think! And also, THANK YOU GUYS FOR 291 READS ON THE FIRST STORY! I'm so happy you guys read it! If you want, please share these stories to any other beautiful Hetalia fans you know! I shall go now, bye!

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