Chapter 5: Why would I leave my best friend? (EDITED)

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"W-who are you?" I whispered slightly, the person lifted their head and took off their fadora, I could not believe what I was seeing....


-------END OF RECAP-------

-------STILL UR POV-------

It was Esther!!! She grinned at me widely, "Hello (Y/n), I'm so happy to see you again!" Those gemstone green eyes and warm grin were just unmistakable. Esther opened her arms wide open and I just jumped in like nobody's business. I immediately cried as (Y/n) smiled at me warmly. "Esther! I'm so sorry I couldnt help! Im sorry I'm sorry!!" She pat my head gently as I looked up at her "It's ok (Y/n), don't be sorry for things that aren't your fault." (I MADE THAT UP) I just smiled and continued to squeeze the life out of her.

-------ESTHER'S POV------

I giggled and hugged back tighter, I sighed, "(Y/n), we have a lot to talk about, and like I said in the note, it will save you from this madness..." (Y/n) frowned and nodded. We both sat on her couch and I started to explain.

-------TIMESKIP CUZ YEET-------

(Y/n) had no words..I had to tell her everything. "S-so, let me get this straight; (nah keep it gay ;d) you were tortured, agreed to a deal, came here, killed people and now you have to turn yourself in? WTF?! This is crazy--!" I interrupted her, "Wooaah, hold your horses there buckaroo, I had a trick up my sleeve anyway." (Y/n) gave me a confused look. I continued, "Before I came here I had to make the portal first, I mumbled a spell to create realistic, living dummies. When the countries told me what city you lived in I sent them there. When I got here I thought it'd be a bit obvious due to a small population but it worked like a charm, I fooled everyone!" I grinned again, (Y/n) shook her head and giggled, jumping on me once more. "I may have known you for a few days but I can tell that you'll always find a way to cheat~" I laughed out loud at this, "Its not cheating if you play your cards good enough for people to not notice!" (Y/n) smiled widely as I poked her cheek. I looked over at the clock and I sighed. "It's almost midnight, you should sleep. I need to turn myself in later anyway." We both frowned at each other as (Y/n) nodded. I lifted (Y/n) bridal style and carried her upstairs to her room. When we got inside, I set her down and noticed a confused look on her face. "What's up?" I raised a brow, "The spell book, it's gone!" (Y/n) started looking around her small table where she left it. I started looking as well, after a few minutes of searching my head pearked up as I heard something....voices?! (Y/n) looked at me as I crept to the edge of the door. "What are you doing?" (Y/n) whispered, "I hear something.." (Y/n) whisper-yelled sarcastically "Yeah I hear things too! Cats, dogs, horses, so what--?" I covered her mouth quickly. "Quiet!" I mouthed at her, she nodded as we both listened. "This should be (Y/n)'s house, да?" "Yeah, this looks like her living room..." The two men had a thick Russian and American accent, making our hearts skip a beat in fear. 'Why are they here?! That wasn't part of the deal!' I thought to myself. I quietly closed the door and we both quickly moved away from it. Our eyes went wide as well heard rattling from the door knob about a minute later. (Y/n) quickly scrambled under her bed and I jumped in her closet, closing the doors enough so I can see through. The door opened and America poked his head inside, looking around "This is definitely her room..." He mumbled as him and Russia stepped in completely. "She's not in her bed, usually she falls asleep near 10PM. Let's split up, whoever finds (Y/n) first gets to hold her while we watch Esther turn herself in~!" Russia giggled and America grinned wickedly, nodding. Russia left the room to check the room down the hall. Our eyes went wide again as America got on his knees to look under the bed, making us panic. (Y/n) silently screamed 'HELP!!!!'. Immediately, I jumped out and pulled out my pistol, pointing it at America's head. "Dont move or speak you bastard...." America and (Y/n) has very intense eye contact which only made (Y/n) panic more. Before I even knew it I felt America's hand around my wrist, squeezing painfully tight and pointed my hand in the air, causing me to fire. And alarm Russia.

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