Chapter 3: Do we have a deal?

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-------(very short)RECAP-------

Waving back, I only felt worse, these poor people.... are too kind to DIE.

-------END OF (very short) RECAP-------

-------YOUR POV-------

I was walking down the busy streets of the city, trying to think of a way to fix all of this. But, when did we get a lot more amounts of people? This isnt such a common city. I sighed, "What would Esther do?" I wondered. I sat on a bench at the park and crossed my arms, staring at the ground. "I can't really feel like as if I started everything, so why do I feel so guilty? It makes no sense, just like the accident, my parents are gone but I'm still here, why do I feel like it was all my fault?" I questioned, looking up. There was a forest right across from the park so I just decided to walk their instead.


I had been walking for about 10 minutes, enjoying the sight when I saw something sitting against a tree. For some reason I had an ugly feeling in my stomach, but I just got so curious and walked to it. Sadly, curiosity killed the cat, and this sight left me traumatized. A man was sitting there, throat sliced open, and a bullet hole in the forehead. I was scared and confused, I've never seen this man, so who would want to kill him? It couldn't have been a suicide, this guy had no weapons! Feeling sick to my stomach, I looked away and immediately called the police. After explaining whatever I could, I was sent home, it was hard to sleep due to the sight. Either way I somehow managed to sleep later.

-------ESTHER'S (MY) POV-------

I was sitting on a roof of a house not far from (Y/n)'s, thinking about what she had to witness. 'Don't fear (Y/n), I've been using a little trick up my sleeve that will confuse you now, but will make sense later' I mentally smiled. I have to be careful with what I say out loud because those damn monsters you call countries are watching me 25/8 (haha get it? Exaggeration 100 but Truth 9999). I stood up and looked for my next few victims, in my mind I was honestly very relieved. On the outside I had a grim expression. Jumping on each roof I decided to make my next kills a little more...eye grabbing. I sighed and spotted a family going home from a night out at a restaurant. Perfect. I may sound crazy but if I'm supposed to bring attention, then I have to make it noticeable. I followed them to their apartment and before they could enter, it was my time to strike.

-------WITH THE COUNTRIES-------

Everyone was watching Esther's every move. Taking turns every few hours on who watched her next. England was in charge this time, sipping tea and smiling sickly as he watched Esther become a killer. "Oh (Y/n)~ you have no idea what's coming~" England chuckled darkly,  France was sitting next to him, also drinking tea. For once, they weren't fighting. "Oui~ I almost feel sorry but I just can't wait to see this deal play out~" France grinned softly. They also had a surprise~

-------BACK TO ESTHER-------

I took the corpses and spread them around the city, just so it doesn't look to suspicious, for now. I set down the last body of the family and removed my rubber gloves, but also leaving little hints on the killer. The deal coming back to mind.


"Alright, here's the deal~" Russia smiled, circling around my chair like a vulture. "We all know people like  (Y/n) just HATE murderers, да?" I nodded slowly, eyes narrowed "Y-yes. Why?" This made Russia's smile stretch, he was in front of me again and squated down to meet my eyes. "I'm glad you asked~. You see, this will mostly be a "If we can't have her, nobody can" thing~ except we wont kill (Y/n) at all~. We need you to go to her world" I was confused, what do they mean? "And...?" Russia continued, " must become a MURDERER. Kill as many people as you can and become well known  yet keep your real identity anonymous, leave clues. When we think the time is right, and if the police still can't figure it out, expose yourself. Once (Y/n) sees it on the news, oh, poor little (Y/n) will lose all trust for you. Hate you. And will never want to see you again~!" My eyes were wide, "W-WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO (Y/N) LIKE THAT?! THAT'S CRUEL, YOU'RE MAKING ME DO YOUR DIRTY WORK SO (Y/N) CAN HATE ME!" Tears were running down my face, anger boiling in my blood and veins. "YOU MONSTERS! (Y/N) DOESN'T DESERVE THAT!" Russia's fist made contact with my cheek in a painful punch, making me fall over again. "Do you want (Y/n) safe or not? It's your choice. If you can abide by this deal, she won't be taken, she will go back to her normal life without any of us. But if not, if you tell (Y/n) about any of this or pull a little stunt like usual, *giggles* you and (Y/n) are both screwed BIG TIME. Do we have a deal~?" Russian had his dark purple aura surrounding him. I gritted my teeth, I don't want (Y/n) hurt. I nodded slowly, head hanging low. Russia grinned satisfied, although, he didn't tell me the rest of their deal/plan. "I'm glad you decided to cooperate with us, you start tomorrow morning" Russia kicked my face one last time and left me in the dark basement once more. As soon as I heard the lock click, a small smile appeared, I have a little plan anyways~.

-------END OF FLASHBACK-------

The same smile came back, 'don't worry (Y/n), everything will be ok....I promise...'

WOOSH! Im here! Hey everyone, this chapter took a little thought. Just a little fyi, from my first story to this current chapter, I never planned any plot or details to my stories, I'd just make up things as I go, read it over, and help connect the dots for you. Hope you guys like this chapter and let me know what you think! Bye!

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