Chapter 4: What next?!

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The same smile came back, 'don't worry (Y/n), everything will be ok....I promise...'

-------END OF RECAP-------

-------NO POV-------

The next day police were investigating 4 different crime scenes. (Y/n) was watching the news about it, scared out of her mind.

News reporter: Police have received 4 cases of 1st degree murder. 4 individuals were found spread out in different areas of the city and seem to be a family. In the past few days, numerous murders have been reported to be brutal and confusing. The victims have never been seen here before, and nobody knew them either. This mysterious family was found with missing organs and no eyes. Police have also been told that the previous victims bodies from a few days ago have been stolen from the mortuaries they were kept in. Police advise to stay in your homes at night. If you find any information about who the killer may be, please call 911. This is Rebecca Weschler and this is News at 12. (Idk)

(Y/n) felt the color just drain from her face, "N-no eyes..? Who would do that to an innocent family?!" She turned off her TV and made her some lunch, trying to forget the craziness she just heard. It reminded her of the man she saw in the forest. (Y/n) squeezed her eyes shut and sighed shakily. "Who could those people be? If nobody has ever heard of them then who would want to kill them? And how can they just be stolen with no surveillance footage? What?!" (Y/n) was snapped out her thoughts when she heard a knock, walking over and opening her door she saw nobody. "Hello?" (Y/n) poked her head out a bit and still saw nobody, not even on the sidewalk. Before closing her door she noticed a pink envelope on her door mat and raised a brow. Lifting the note and locking her door once she was inside, she opened the letter and the note read;

Dear (Y/n),

I can't wait to see you again! I need you to do something for me, STAY SAFE. I heard about the murderer and don't want you getting hurt. I would ask if you can meet me at a certain location but I wouldn't want to put you in danger. I don't like to sound forceful but I will go to your house tonight at 10:30PM, it sounds weird now but trust me. You won't believe who I am, I must tell you something, something that will save you. I miss you and can't wait to hug you. See you in a few hours!

Sincerely, uh,
You'll find out soon!

-------(Y/n)'s POV-------

I've never been so relieved, confused, and safe at the same time. "Who is this person?!" I almost fell backwards when the note and the envelope disappeared into pixels, "What...the f*ck....?" This was too much for me, "Unknown people, scary murderer, missing victims, and techno paper?! What next, a flying pig?!" I sat down frustrated, this is getting almost ridiculous.

-------??? POV-------

I watched as (Y/n) read the letter and blew up a bit, giggling. Who knew I can really stir up and entire city like this? It's funny but I feel bad. I heard a voice in my head and sighed, "What is it?" "Tomorrow morning, we'll leave you alone now to prepare~" My eyes widened, oh no. I gulped loudly, and the sun was setting, I should get something to eat before I go.


-------(Y/N)'S POV-------

It was now 10:30PM and I was on the couch nervous, shifting on the couch and biting my lip. I heard a knock and jumped a bit, 'they're here!' My heartbeat sped up as I opened the door. A stranger in a long beige coat and a fadora was in front of me, I quivered a bit as I let the person inside. "W-who are you?" I whispered slightly, the person lifted their head and took off their fadora, I could not believe what I was seeing....


Hi guys! Here is chapter 4! I put a cliffhanger just for fun and I will be finishing this sequel soon as well. I think their should be 2 more chapters and that's it! Chapter 5 is going to be very ~interesting~ and all will be revealed, chapter 6 will just be an aftermath! The last 2 chapters will be a bit longer than normal so get ready! Anyways, thank u for reading and let me know what u think! Bye!

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