[13]: The First Kiss

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2017 Brooklyn, New York
"Okay. . come on, Peter. Come on Spider-Man! Come on Spider-Man."

PETER AND AMAYA LOWERED THEMSELVES INTO THE ABANDONED BUILDING where Liz's father Adrian was last detected stopping at. Looking around, Amaya noticed a computer screen on and it had the Avengers Tower on the screen, but in x-ray mode, so what was inside could be seen. It didn't look like anything bad had happened yet, so Amaya knew that she and Peter needed to find Adrian and find him quickly.

"Maya. ." Peter whispered. Amaya turned around to see what he was looking at. It was Adrian's wings. Peter saw an open entrance where light was coming through and he wrapped an arm around Amaya's torso before using a web shooter, attaching it to the ceiling before bringing them down to the ground.

"I wonder if, when this is all over. . if she'd be willing to go on a real date with me. All these taking out bad guys surely hasn't counted. Wait. . Peter, come on, focus. Take out the bad guy first, as her out later." Peter thought to himself. A smile came onto Amaya's face, and she would save that information for later. Before she told Peter she could read minds, sometimes reading in on his thoughts were fun.

Like when he would think to himself that she was cute, on Homecoming he told her she looked beautiful, but in his head he was using other adjectives. When he first found out she was Steve and Katherine Rogers' daughter, his thoughts were about how cool her parents were and how cool he was already assuming her to be just for being their daughter.

The two of them walked through the entrance to see Adrian hunched over a table and working on something. "Hey! Surprised to see us?" Peter asked as they approached him.

"Oh, hey Pete. . Amaya. I didn't hear you guys come in." Adrian said, turning around to face them.

"It's over. We got you." Peter said, but if it's one thing that Amaya has learned growing up around superheroes, is that nothing is ever truly over until you handled the problem completely, but the pair continued to approach him.

"You know, I gotta tell you, Pete. I really, really admire your grit. I see why the Rogers girl likes you. I do. I get it now." Adrian said.

"How could you do this to Liz? To your wife?" Amaya asked.

"To them? I'm not doing anything to them, Amaya. I'm doing this for them." Adrian said.

"Huh. . yeah." Peter said, shooting out a web to stick Adrian's hand to the desk.

"Look, Peter, Amaya. . you two are young. You don't understand how the world works." Adrian said.

"That may be so, but we do know that seeling weapons to criminals is wrong." Amaya said.

"How do you think your Uncle Stark paid for that tower? Or any of those little toys?" Adrian asked. Starting to feel herself get angry at the mention of Tony, her hands started to glow.

"The difference between you and Uncle Tony is, he didn't know he was selling to criminals, he thought he was helping America's troops, and the minute his weapons fell into the wrong hands, he destroyed them. All of them." Amaya snapped.

"Maya. . it's okay, let the energy go. He's trying to bait you, don't let him. Just breathe." Peter thought for Amaya to hear. Without taking her eyes off Adrian, Amaya took a deep breath, letting Peter's words replay in her head. The blue energy disappeared from around her hands as she took a calming breath.

"Okay, so let's say he did destroy him. Doesn't change the fact that those people up there, Amaya, the rich and the powerful. They do whatever they want. Guys like us, like you and me, Pete, they don't care about us. We build their roads and we fight all their wars, and everything, but they don't care about us. We have to pick up after 'em. We have to eat their table scraps. That's how it is. I know you know what I'm talking about, Peter." Adrian said.

"Why are you telling us this?" Peter asked.

"Because I want you both to understand. And. . I needed a little time to get her airborne." He said. With his untrapped hand, he picked up what looked like a remote and pressed a button. In a split second, his wings came flying through and Peter grabbed Amaya before shooting up a web to move them out of the way. Once he set her back on the ground they continued to duck and dodge out of the way of the wings.

"I'm sorry, Peter. . Amaya." Adrian said.

"What are you talking about?" Amaya asked.

"That thing hasn't even touched us yet." Peter said.

"True, but then again. . wasn't really trying to." Adrian said. Amaya noticed as the wings were knocking down the cement poles that were holding the building together and her eyes widened as she ran over to Peter.

"He's taking out the building, trying to trap us." She said, right as a part of the building started to fall down over top of them. Amaya tried to send out her powers to stop their movements, but it was too late. She and Peter were already buried under the rubble before she could even get a shot out.

"Amaya. ." Peter groaned out from under the rubble.

"I'm right. . I'm over here, I'm sorry, it all fell too fast, are you okay?" She asked.

"I think I'm stuck. . are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. . just hold on, I'll get you out." Amaya said. While she used her powers to move the rubble away from her and get her leg unstuck, Peter was crying out for help, even though they both knew that nobody could hear them. Amaya finally freed her leg and she got up and walked over to where Peter was.

"Okay, Peter. . just stay there, and I can move everything off of you." Amaya said.

"No. . no, I have to do this by myself." He said, looking up at her. Amaya nodded her head, respecting what he wanted and he took a deep breath. "Okay. . come on, Peter. Come on Spider-Man! Come on Spider-Man!" He said, trying to encourage himself. Amaya noticed that the rubble that was pinning him down started to lift as he started to stand up.

"You've almost got it, Underoos. Keep going." Amaya encouraged him.

Peter continued to lift himself off of the ground, lifting the rubble off of him, until he was able to push it away with his hands instead of his back. Once he freed himself, Amaya grabbed his hand and pulled him on top of the rubble to stand next to her. Peter took in a few deep breaths as they both looked at each other.

"You're okay. . you're okay, you did it." Amaya whispered to him.

"We did." Peter said. He laid his hand down on her soot filled cheek before leaning in to give her a gentle kiss. Amaya was caught off guard at first, but she eased her way into kissing Peter back. This was her first kiss, and she couldn't believe that it was with Spider-Man. After a few moments, the two of them pulled back and Peter ran his fingers back through his hair.

"I'm sorry. . I've just. . been wanting to do that since you singlehandedly saved that Staten Island Ferry before Mr. Stark came in and saved it more." Peter said. Amaya blushed while nodding her head.

"Don't apologize. I liked it. . and yes, when this is all over. I would love to go on a date with you." Amaya said, which made Peter laugh a little.

"So you heard that?" He asked, and Amaya laughed while nodding her head.

"Yeah, I did. . let's go save my family's weapons."

Ooh, see. I snuck a kiss in there just for all of you. I mean, it only took 13 chapters.

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