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As the day fastly approached when the campers would arrive me and Ski have barely had any contact. I've talked to all of the other counselors but Ski. It sometimes seems as if he were avoiding me at times. There were only 3 more days of staff training left before the campers would arrive. At the time all of the counselors were staying in one huge cabin that was split with girls and boy side. 

I was sitting on the balcony looking up at the stars. They shinned so beautifully out here in the woods. It was hard to actually get a good look at the stars here your in the city. It had to be 3 in the morning. I had a hard time sleeping in a room with 11 other people. So I came out here instead of laying in my bed looking at the ceiling. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a door open. I looked over and made eye contact with Stokeley. We looked at each other for a log weird 10 seconds before I finally spoke up.


"Wassup" Was all he said before looking up. 

"What are you doing up so late?"

He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Wanna go for a walk?" He said looking at me intensely.

I was unsure at first if I wanted to go with him. But another part of me was curious where he would take me. Without me even fully thinking it through my brain pushed out a


I got off the picnic table I was laying on and grabbed my flashlight. I followed Stokeley through the cabin and out into the woods. We walked on a path for about 5 mins before he he finally spoke again. 

"Turn your flashlight off."

"Why?" I said confused since it would be pitch black without my flashlight on.

"Let your eyes adjust to the darkness. It makes the experience better."

I was still super confused but I didn't want to argue. So I did as I was told and turned off the flashlight. I stumbled around in the darkness for a bit before I felt Stokeleys arm. I could feel him tense up a bit when I touched him but then gradually relax. 

"Just hold on to me and I'll lead you until your eyes adjust."

After about another 5 minutes I could slowly start to see my surroundings. We were in a part of the camp that I didn't recognize. I let go of Stokeley and looked at him confused. He was concentrated on the trail and leading us to where ever we were going he didn't realize me starring at him. He looked so beautiful with the moonlight shining on his face. We walked a little longer before we finally reached a cliff. You could see everything from up here. A small part of me was scared to be up this high but the scenery was so beautiful. Ski walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down. I did the same and looked up at the stars. 

"Wow, this place is so beautiful," I said still amazed by what I was seeing.

"I know right." Was all that he said before I could hear a lighter flicker. 

I looked over towards Stokeley and he was lighting a blunt. He took a large inhale before looking at me and offering the blunt to me. I took the blunt out of his hand and hit it. I could see Stokeley starring at me from the corner of my eye. After the first hit, the blunt instantly hit me back. 

"Why did you bring me up here?"

"What do you mean?" He said looking me in the eyes.

"You never talk to me so what made you all of a sudden want to bring me here?" I said boldly.

"Why not?" He shrugged his shoulders before taking the blunt out of my hand and laying on his back.

"You know Stokel-

"Ski" He said interrupting me.

"Well Ski why are you always avoiding me?" I said also laying down next to him.

"I don't avoid yo-

"Yes you do"

"No, I don't or at least I don't try to. Pretty girls just make nervous." He said taking another hit and passing me back the blunt.

I was kind of speechless that he just said that to me. I didn't think that Ski thought I was attractive. I took another hit and I could feel the weed really getting to me.

"You think I'm pretty?" I said sitting up and looking at him

"Hell yeah I think so." He said licking his lips.

"Your only saying that because your high Ski." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Maybe I am but it's true." He said propping his head up in his hand.

Ski was looking more good looking in this scenery. Maybe it was just the weed talking but he could seriously get it. Suddenly SKi sat up and grabbed me. He pulled me on his lap so I was straddling him.

"What do you want from me?" He said rubbing my back slowly while looking me in the eyes.

I was taken aback by his question.

"What do you mean?

"I see you staring at me while I'm not looking. I can feel your gaze. I see the looks you give me when I'm shirtless and teaching you sailing. I also hear the things you say about me to your little big mouth friend."

I was speechless. I didn't think he noticed me nor even realized I existed. But while I was looking at him he was also looking at me when I didn't notice. 

"I uhm don't know what you talking about," I said stumbling over my words.

"Shut up Eudoria." He said rolling his eyes. He grabbed my face and kissed me. 

I was shook at first and didn't know how to respond. But I then started to relax and kissed him back. His lips were so soft and the kiss was better than I could have ever imagined. The kiss started passionately and slowly started to get more heated. Stokeley tugged on the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head. He then stopped kissing me and started kissing my chest and my neck. He took off my bra and picked me up and laid me down on my back. He licked my chest and kissed down my body all the way to my belly button. He pulled down my shorts and underwear in one swift motion. He was about to go down on my before he stopped and looked me in the eyes. 

"What do you want from me Eudoria?" He said in a lower tone. I could see his eyes starting to become darker.

"I want you to eat me out," I said quietly biting my lip.

"I can't hear you." He said sliding a finger in me.

It made me arch my back and moan out. I wanted him to stop playing around and just get to it already. 

"I want you to eat me." I said louder.

"Say no more." 

And with that, he went down on me. It felt so good and within minutes I couldn't take it anymore and came. But that didn't stop him and he kept going. I was moaning so loud and my body was shaking. He finally finished up and sat up. He leaned up and kissed me swiftly. 

"You're mine now." Was all he said before handing me my clothes and standing up.

I quickly put on my clothes and stood up to follow Ski back to the cabin. We talked only a little on the way back to the cabin. He told me somethings about him. Such as how he wanted to become a rapper. I asked if I could listen to some of his raps and he told me maybe. It was super dark and for a moment I couldn't see where Ski was. 

"Ski where are you?" I said squinting my eyes trying to find him in the darkness.


I've never screamed so loud in my life. The scare literally blew my high. I could hear Ski laughing at me.

"Omg your face. I can barely see it but I bet it was priceless." He said slurring.

"Ugh, I can't stand you." I said walking ahead of him.

"Then sit on my face baby girl." He said still laughing.

What have I got myself into?

Ski How You Feel? | Ski Mask The Slump GodWhere stories live. Discover now