Summertime Love

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Play the song as you read

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Play the song as you read. I wrote this chapter with this song on repeat so the emotion of this song pours into the chapter. 

"I love you too Stokeley"


Over these past few years, I've grown accustomed to it. But not just silence darkness also. They were a deadly duo for me. When I was consumed by both usually my thoughts and mind would get the best of me.

But not this time right?

No, something about this silence and darkness is...... comforting. For the first time in my life, it felt as if the weight of the world had finally fallen off my shoulders.

I Love you too Stokeley

I Love you too Stokeley

I Love you too Stokeley

Her voice rang throughout my head. I didn't know she was listening to me but a part of me was relieved she was. I haven't felt true love ever since what happened to me. This feeling was refreshing.

Eudoria flipped and turned around to face me. We just starred at each other for a while with the moon being our only source of light. She put her hand on my cheek and rubbed it with her thumb. Even though neither one of us said anything we could feel it. 

I grabbed her face and brought her lips to mine. We shared a slow and passionate kiss. It felt like time itself had stopped and it was just me and her there. She climbed on top of me and deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around her torso and pulled her into me. Though the apartment was cold our body heat was keeping us warm. I wrapped my hand around her throat and brought her neck up. I attached my lips to her neck and swirled my tongue and bit softly on the sensitive area. Eudoria let out a moan and slowly started to grind into me. 

"Fuck keep doing that baby," I said detaching my lips and tugging on her shirt she had on.

She put her arms up to help me remove the shirt. Her boobs flung free and I cupped them and brought one of her nipples to my lips. I licked all around it and blew cold air on it. She let her head fall back as she moaned and continued to grind into me. I immediately got hard and couldn't wait any longer. I was about to flip us over but Eudoria bent down and lifted my shirt up and started to trail kisses from my chest to my pelvis.


Once I got to his joggers I tugged at them and pulled them off with his boxers. His dick sprung out and my mouth watered at the sight. I grabbed him and slowly started to pump him. I brought his dick to my lips and placed a small kiss on his tip. I heard him groan and I could tell that I was teasing him and I liked it that way. I licked from his balls all the way up to his head and put him in my mouth and bobbed my head up and down.

"Just like that mama," Stokeley groaned out through hooded eyes.

I felt him lean up and smack my butt. I moaned out in pain and pleasure. He pushed my underwear to the side and stuck two fingers inside me without any warning. I moaned with him still in my mouth and he groaned. I continued to stroke him as I took all of him in my mouth. I could tell he was going to cum soon so I removed my mouth.

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