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This chapter includes some talk about sexual assault. Won't go too much into detail but it's just a warning.

I jolted out of my sleep looking around frantically. I was sweating and I could tell the sun was just starting to rise. I've been having the same dream for the past few weeks. It always starts and ends the same. I can feel her hands all over me as I telling her to stop. I wipe my face of the tears I didn't even realize we're there at first. Just the thought of those nights when I was younger when that terrible woman would take advantage of me makes me shudder at the thought. I hated feeling this way. I hate that I allowed her to make me feel this way. She made me feel sick and gross. I shook the thoughts from my head. I have to forget her and I have to stop thinking about what happened to me

I sighed getting out of my bed. I put on my slides while trying not to wake the kids up. I'm in desperate need of a cigarette right now. I grabbed my pack of newports and threw on my hoodie. I slid out of the cabin quietly and made my way down towards Eudoria's cabin. I needed a distraction and I wanted to watch the sunrise with her. Once I got there I quietly knocked on the cabin door. After a few shuffling sounds, the door was pulled open by a sleepy Eudoria. She was rubbing her eyes and she honestly looked so cute right now.

"Hi sleepyhead," I said showing her a bright smile.

"What time is it Stokeley?" She said confused.

"Uhmmm about 4 am. Why do you ask?" I said lowkey trying to annoy her.

" Why are you waking me up this early?" She said shuffling towards me and falling into my arms while wrapping her arms around my waist. I stiffened slightly and pushed her away slowly. I didn't want to hurt her feelings but I didn't really want to be touched right now.

"Wanna come smoke and watch the sunrise?" 

"Sure but can we stop in the kitchen so I can make myself a cup of coffee?" She said yawning. I nodded and yawned also just because she passed hers to me. 

Eudoria and I went to get her coffee and walked towards the docks in comfortable silence. We sat down and dangled our feet off the edge. I took a blunt out of my pocket and gave it to Eudoria while I took my packet of newports out. I put the cigarette between my lips and was about to spark it when I felt it get snatched from my lips.

"Stokeley you need stop smoking these," She said while sparking up the blunt.

"It helps me with my stress," I said as I opened my box of newports about to take another cigarette out only for her to snatch the entire box. I got annoyed and looked at her. She flashed me a smile and passed me the blunt instead. No matter how much I try to be mad at her I just can't.

"What's on your mind that got you stressed boo?"

"Don't call me that," I said laughing at her.

"And I've just been having trouble sleeping lately."


I was hesitant about telling her what happened to me. I feel like if I did tell her she wouldn't be interested in me anymore. I've never told anyone except Jahseh. I sighed before just spitting it out.

"I've been having night terrors. About something that happened to me," I paused because I could already feel myself getting emotional. I felt Eudoria rub my back and I flinched away. 

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

I felt like shit that I was being this emotional in front of her. 

"When I was younger something happened to me. My mom was always working so she was never home. So she would have this girl babysit me sometimes. She would touch me inappropriately. This went on for a year. She made me feel gross and as if no one loved or cared about me. Ever since then I've just been having a hard time controlling my feelings and I can be sexually awkward sometimes. I don't really like being touched so I'm sorry if I get weird or push you away when you touch me," I said now crying.

I didn't even want to look Eudoria in the eyes. I was just waiting for her to talk shit to me or get up and leave. And she did which made me cry only harder. I then felt Eudoria crawl into my arms and sit on my lap with each leg on either side of me. She hugged me and I held her back just as hard. 

"I'm sorry that happened to you Stokeley. I really wish I could take this pain away from you and make you feel better. If you open up to me more I won't hurt you I promise. I care about you and I think I'm starting to fall for you."

"I really wish you weren't," I said pulling her even closer to me.

"But I am"

I really wish I could reciprocate those feelings back to her but I just couldn't. I definitely felt some sort of way about her and-

Eudoria cut off my thoughts with a kiss. I was taken aback for a second but then I melted into the kiss. Something about being with her just made me feel like a boy with a middle school crush. I could feel Eudoria groping me through my joggers.

"Stop thinking so much and let me make you feel better," She said now kissing on my neck. I tried to hold in a groan but she was really getting to me. As much as I wanted Eudoria to pleasure me right now I wasn't ready for her to do that just yet. 

"Nah not yet mamas," I said pushing her hand away. She started to frown but her facial expressions quickly changed after remembering what I just told her.

"Okay, that's fine Stokeley."

"I'd rather just swim anyway."

"Wait what?" Before she could finish I leaned forward and we both fell into the lake.

The water felt amazing on my skin even though it was cold asf. I came up to the surface to see Eudoria already there. She looked at me angrily as she slightly shivered. I instantly felt bad due to the fact she might get sick now. 

"Ski! Why would you do that? This water is cold asf," She said climbing back onto the dock. I climbed back up too and laughed at her.

"I'm sorry mamas come here," I said pulling her into a hug.

"Naw bye Stokeley," She said pushing me away while laughing and walking away.

"Wait come back I'm sorry," I said running after her while laughing.

Ski How You Feel? | Ski Mask The Slump GodWhere stories live. Discover now