Make Out Hill

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After being in the car with Jahseh, Stokeley, and Dio for about three hours the four of us finally arrived back at the camp

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After being in the car with Jahseh, Stokeley, and Dio for about three hours the four of us finally arrived back at the camp. Even though Stokeley and I weekend started off rocky it ended really well. During our date, Stokeley and I talked about lots of things. After Stokeley ended up taking me to one of his favorite ice cream spots because I still wanted ice cream. The kids won't be getting here until tomorrow morning so we have the rest of our day to get back into habits.

Once we parked the car and got out we saw Rakim and Tyler also pull up. They got out the car and Rakim had his arm slung over Tyler's shoulder. Now, this usually wouldn't be odd due to the type of friendship the two had. But something about this interaction seemed slightly affectionate in a way? Seeing this lowkey made me smirk. I could tell Tyler had a crush on Rakim. I saw the way he looked at him when they were together or when Rakim wasn't looking. I also could see the quick jealous look he would give me whenever Rakim would flirt with me.

"What's up guys," Tyler yelled to the group.

"Hi Tyler!" I yelled back to him.

"So how was you guys weekend?" I asked raising an eyebrow at the two.

Rakim just gave me a polite nod and that was it. There wasn't really any tension in the group but I could tell Stokeley was annoyed by Rakim's presence.

"Oh it was cool me and Rocky just hung out at my house most of the time and played Mario kart."

"So are you guys like a thing or something cause I'm sensing something right now?" Dio said out loud. As much as I love this girl with all my heart she has no filter and doesn't know how to just be quiet at times.

"Yeah I guess you can say that," Rakim said smirking slightly while turning his attention to Tyler.

"Oh well, you two are cute ass fuck" Dio exclaimed.

"Dio just shut up," Jahseh said grabbing DIo by her waist and pulling her away from the group. I guess they finally got together something during the break.

"Well we will see you two later," Ski said pulling me away also.

"Do you wanna go somewhere with me right now?" Ski said after a minute of us walking in silence.

"Yeah sure," Stokeley was known for taking me to mysterious places without me having a clue on where we going.

"Alright I'm gonna ask if some other counselors want to come or something," he said now grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the main lodge. Once we arrived there were a few counselors sitting on the porch and a few coming in and out of the lodge. Dio and Jahseh were also there. She was sitting on the step with Jahseh between her legs. Once we got to them they turned their attention towards us.

"Ya'll cute or whatever," I said laughing at them.

"Girl shut up it ain't even like that," she said rolling her eyes.

"Girl what the fuck ever yo ass wasn't saying that this weekend," he said slapping her thigh that his arm was resting on.

"So anyways yall niggas want to go hang or some?" Stokeley said changing the awkward subject.

"Yeah sure I'm bored anyway," Jahseh said getting up and pulling Dio up with him.

"Where yall motherfuckers going," we heard a voice say near us. I looked over and there was Jordan.

"About to go hang you tryna come or sum?" Stokeley said raising an eyebrow at him.

I turned my attention away from Jordan to Dio. I know the two had something going on at the beginning of the summer but I'm not really sure what happened.

"Hell yeah," Jordan's ghetto ass said loud.

This caught the attention of many other counselors and then sooner or later six more counselors wanted to join including Tyler and Rakim.

"Fuck it everybody just come damn!" my cute ass boyfriend yelled getting annoyed at the personal event now turning into a group function. Stokeley grabbed my hand and we all walked to this mysterious spot. Jahseh and Stokeley talked about their music while Dio and I talked about how bad we were getting bit up by the bugs. Once we arrived I realized it was the place Stokeley took me the first time we had a real conversation and did some other things. It looked far more different now in the sunlight and I could see a small tree on the hill. There was a swing attached to the swing and I looked at Stokeley. He looked at me and I could tell we both had the same thought. We both sprinted towards the swing pushing each other trying to make it to the swing first. Of course he beat me and got on the swing first.

"Push me mama," he said slightly out of breathe.

"No fuck off," I said hitting the back of his head cause I wanted to be pushed first.

"Cmon just push me please?" He said flashing me a cute smile. How can anyone say no to that face?


I started to push him and Stokeley was acting like a big kid. I laughed and took out my phone to record a video of him.

"Your such a child," I said laughing at him while putting my phone away.

"You love me though," he said flashing me a smile. He's got me there.


The night went on and eventually, the boys had made a bonfire and everyone one sat around it socializing. Jahseh had gone to go get his speaker and there was music playing. Dio, Tyler and I were just sitting discussing Tyler and Rakim's relationship. I'm not sure where Stokeley went but I hadn't seen him for about 10 minutes now. I started to get worried and excused myself from the group. I walked over to Rakim, Jahseh, and Jordan who were talking while sharing a blunt amongst each other.

"Have you guys seen Stokeley?" I questioned.

"Yeah I think he went to go take a piss," Jahseh said pointing towards an opening in the woods.

"Alight thanks," I said walking towards that direction.

Once I got into the opening I looked around for Stokeley. I was dark as hell so I could barely see anything.

"Stokeley baby where are you?" I said yelling out for him. I kept walking until I heard moans close by. I scrunched my face up in disgust thinking some random counselors ran off to have sex. I continued walking until I saw two figures in the dark. It looked like a couple together and the girl was on her knees giving top. I got closer and was shocked by what I saw. Stokeley was leaned up against a tree while the same bitch from the party that almost took advantage of him was sucking him off.

"Sk-Ski what are you doing?" my voice rang out scaring the two.

"Oh shit," Stokeley said pushing the girl off him and tucking himself back in his jeans.

"How could you? You asshole!" I yelled out tears already streaming down my face.

"It's not what it looks like," he said reaching out for me. I slapped his hand away from me. I felt sick to my stomach by just the sight of him.

"Then what the fuck is it then Ski? You know what we're done," I said waving him off.

"Mama I'm sorry," He said reaching for me again. I slapped him hard across his face. I stood there shocked clenching his jaw.

"Fuck off Ski," I said walking off back towards the party.

How could he? Even though I knew I would eventually get my heart broken I didn't think it would be like this.

Thank you for the 1k reads everyone🖤

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