The Lodge

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"Ria can you braid my hair too please?" I heard my young camper ask me as I was finishing up polishing another girl's nails.

"Yeah sure come here." She walked over to me and sat between my legs.

The girls started to gossip about random pointless things as I just listened silently. The girls got on the topic of the camp counselors. They talked about how funny looking Tyler is, how wild Jahseh was during arts & crafts, and giggled about how suave and cute Rakim was. I mentally rolled my eyes at their comments. Sooner or later they started talking about the final dance and which boys they wanted to be asked by.

"Ria who are you going to the dance with?"

"Uhm probably just myself," I said laughing at the girls.

"You should go with Ski. He's super nice and you guys would make a cute couple," One girl said boldly.

"Ski is nice but he's just a co-worker," I said lying.

"But he's cute." Another girl said giggling. I just laughed at the girls

"Alright, that's enough of that girls. Get ready for your activities," They all scurried off to get ready.

After the girls were ready everyone broke off to their designated activities. I have arts & crafts with Jah first then sailing with Ski. I couldn't wait to see him. Once I got to the art & crafts shed I saw Jah was already there. He was joking around and talking to some of the kids that were already there.

"Yerrrrr!" Jahseh said yelling out to me and I returned the saying.

"So what are we gonna do today?"

"I have no fuc- I mean idea. You wanna do some tie-dye?"


After Jahseh and I got the kids set up we sat down at one of the outdoor tables and talked.

"So how are you and my vro doing?" Jah said not looking at me but instead writing inside of his journal. I wonder what he writes in there.

"Uhm we're good. It was slightly rocky but were on good terms now," I said playing with a woodchip.

"So are you guys like a thing now or something," He said now looking up at me.

"I wouldn't say that. We're just vibing at the moment. We don't really wanna put a label on it. I'm just glad he's still talking to me after all that happened."

"So what did happen?" He said tilting his head to the side curiously.

"I don't really wanna talk about it. Kind of just want to put it behind us."

"I can respect that. Well just make sure you take care of him though. He's been through a lot and deserves nothing but happiness. Also, I know he can be difficult sometimes so just promise me you'll be patient with him," Jah said giving me a small smile.

"Yeah I gotchu."


"Ria stop starring and help me with this sail," Ski said rudely shaking me from my thoughts. Ski was currently shirtless, drenched with water, and had his dreads outs. I'm not gone lie he was looking really good right about now. I just wanted him to fuc-

"Sorry I got slightly distracted," I said stopping my thoughts. Ski came up to me and got close to my ear.

"Keep starring and I'm gone really show you something," I could instantly feel my cheeks get warm and my bathing suit get wetter. Just thinking about the things Stokeley could do to me.

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