My Birthday: An Essay About Giant Lizards And Monkeys

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June 2nd, 2019 (i'm finna start dating these)

"La Cucaracha" intensifies

Hello everybody! It's me, Nevahr, back at it with the updates and life stuff. So, as always, the book nonsense, and then my life stuff.

Story Updates
     Quests for the Olympians is going great, really hoping I can get out Alex's chapter soon. It won't live up to the wait unfortunately, because the longer time goes on, the more people waiting want it to be even better, so that's on me.
Alexander Flare is a tricky one to describe. As the son of Bellona, he has qualities similar to Reyna, but he is also the opposite of Reyna. Reyna tries very hard (and successfully) to keep her emotions in check, but Alex doesn't need to think about what he says as he doesn't have everyone in the camp looking up to him. He has parents in New Rome. I don't know why I added that, but I thought it would be nice to know.
     The story as a whole does fit into the timeline, but it's kind of tricky. They come in after the PJO series, but before the Trials of Apollo, because you kind of need an oracle to have a quest. Jack and Nick were around for the events of Blood of Olympus, as it's referenced in Chapter One. More updates on the timeline at a later date I guess.

Life Stuff
     I've recently come to this thought that birthdays aren't that cool, but if your friends and family would like to recognise that you being alive is pretty alright, you should let them. Yesterday we went and watched Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which was excellent. King Ghidorah looked a little wack in his first scene, but the CGI was great for the rest honestly. Remember how this has always been a movie review account? A really cool character died, so that sucks, but I'm theorising a bunch of ways the next couple movies could work, so if y'all wanna humour me, that'll be great.
     So, I'm trying to set up Mechagodzilla, while knowing the next movie is Godzilla Versus Kong. So, once a monster, or "titan" as the monsters are called in the movie, becomes the alpha, they get the title of king. We all want Kong to have King in his name, as you know, King Kong. To do that, he would have to beat the previous alpha, which is Godzilla. Godzilla had just defeated King Ghidorah, making him the apex predator. In the credits, it's revealed that all the titans are traveling to Skull Island, where it's theorised the titans are going because they need a new home. In "King Of The Monsters", we see an Atlantis-like city that has radiation so that Godzilla can heal and such, which used to worship these titans. The humans nuked the place so Godzilla could absorb the radiation and go kill Ghidorah. Now that the previous recharge station is gone, they're going to Skull Island, which is Kong's turf. Yes, this is still about Mechagodzilla.
     Since Gojira is the alpha, he'll tell Kong to step off, and Kong won't, making them fight. Now, two things you need to know about the original Kong vs Godzilla. In it, they fight twice. The first was Godzilla scaring off Kong with his atomic breath, and the second is when Godzilla is powered by lightning and defeats Godzilla. That's the second thing, Kong is powered by lightning. Lightning, which Ghidorah blasts out of his mouth. Now, I know I said that Ghidorah is dead, but at the end of the movie, we see that one head of Ghidorah as survived, and that the villains have it. In the original series, a cyborg Ghidorah was made, from the DNA of the dead Ghidorah. The villains are people who think that the titans upset the natural order, and will probably use a Mechaghidorah to kill the titans, but it won't do anything to Kong, who will then defeat Mechaghidorah. Godzilla would most likely die from this double blamo whamo, which will allow the government, who want control of the titans, to create... MECHAGODZILLA. You see, one way Mechagodzilla is made is from the bones of the original Godzilla being made into a giant robot with giant guns on his shoulders (this was kalled Kiryu, or robot dragon).
   I don't know man, I just want Mechagodzilla.

After that whole essay about me theorising what'll happen in a movie I watched, we went to eat food at a Mexican restaurant.
Yeah that's it.


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