Chapter 1

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Jimin POV

Yawning softly at the sound of my alarm going off, a small sigh falls from my lips. Sitting upright in bed, I reach under my pillow I unenthusiastically to turn the alarm off. Not so surprisingly, I've already received a text from my manager that came in just a few minutes before my alarm. Well, I guess I should clarify that I'm still receiving them...

Asshole: I fully expect you to be up by now, Park Jimin. Don't forget what your schedule is for the day. It's a busy day and I don't want you running so much as a second late today and throwing everything off schedule.

Asshole: Park Jimin.

Asshole: Don't start ignoring me now. Not today, Jimin. You don't want to make me angry today.

Shaking my head as I scan through the texts I've received, I purse my lips as begin to type back my response.

Me: Sorry, Sir. I only just saw the messages. I'll be on time today. I promise.

Grumbling under my breath, I reluctantly drag myself from my bed, not overly thrilled for the day. Tossing my phone back onto the bed, I don't get even two steps away before I hear it buzz once more.

"Fuck off, for God's sake already!" I groan aloud, turning on my heel to reach over and pick the device back up.

Asshole: You're already late if you're only just getting up. Get the hell moving if you don't want to be seeing any consequences, Park. You've got a photo shoot at 8 this morning for your comeback and then we'll be meeting at 12:30pm to go over the plans for the comeback. I'll give you the schedule for the rest of the day then.

"I'm not fucking late, dickhead. Learn how to tell time. It's only 7:05." I mutter softly as I type back a response.

Me: We haven't even discussed any sort of plans or ideas for the comeback yet though? I thought you said I'd get to participate in the concept design this time?

"Lying bastard. I should've fucking known." I grumble in frustration. Laying my phone back down, I ignore it this time as I head over to my closet to find something to wear to work. There's no way I won't get caught up in paparazzi when I go into work, something that happens on almost a daily basis, so I have to pick something that will at least look decent enough.

Pulling out a pair of light blue jeans and a cream colored long sleeve, I deem it good enough as I snatch my light gray beanie off my top shelf in the closet. I have no doubts they'll be dying my hair again, something they do often enough that I nearly find it surprising when I go in and don't get told they'll be dying it. Though, that also means that I have to always be prepared, having a hat with me nearly everyday so that I can hide my hair if necessary.

Begrudgingly going back to my bed to check the text from my manager, all I can do is sigh.

Asshole: Have you forgotten the role of the company's production team? I know you wanted in on the process this time, but they came up with it on their own and didn't tell anyone they were working on it. That's why you're having a comeback so soon as it is. Just be grateful you've got someone watching your back and taking care of all the dirty work for you. Stop being such an ungrateful bitch, Jimin. You know how the process goes.

Scoffing, I toss my phone back down on the bed. Turning away from it, my blood boils when I hear it buzz again, no doubt my manager once more. Though, when I pick it up and spot the new text, I sigh with a small smile, shaking my head.

Sun: Hey, Jiminie! You still on for movie night tonight?

Pouting lightly as I read the message, I whine loudly as I try to hold back the tears that are quickly forming. I can't believe I'd already forgotten about Hobi's movie night plans for today in celebration of his new single they'd released today. And I'd very much sooo been looking forward to that too...

"One day, Jiminie. One day." I whisper quietly, reaching up and wiping at the tears.

Me: Hobi hyung... I- I'm so sorry...

It takes no time for him to respond, making me feel like he'd nearly been waiting for this.

Sun: Do you want me to push it off to tomorrow? Or another day, Jiminie? Would that work better?

I whimper softly at this, huffing in aggravation at how this happens literally every single goddamn time.

Me: I'm so sorry, hyung. It's not worth it though. My manager booked me up today and apparently I'm gonna have another comeback soon. You know how my schedule gets when this happens. Besides, it's not fair to you. I'm sure the single is gonna be another hit though! I wish I could be there, hyung!

Wiping away more tears, I set my phone down and walk away from it, not bothering to look back when I hear it vibrate once more. I don't even want to know what the response is. I know he's hurt over it, and he's gonna act like he isn't.

"God fucking damn it!" I snap, smacking the wall in front of me beside my bathroom door.

"Just one day. I just want one day. One day to just fucking breathe. That's all I want. Why is that too much to ask for?" I mumble under my breath before heading into the bathroom to get cleaned up and prepared for the day.

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