Chapter 29

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Jimin POV

Watching Yoongi, he sighs at the lollipop I'd handed back to him, reluctantly unwrapping it before slipping it past his lips. I smile a little at this, brushing his hair off to the side gently so that it's more out of his eyes. He glances up at me at this, but doesn't say anything as he rests his head against me.

"Alright well someone better start explaining here, because none of this should be happening right now." Namjoon comments with a frown. I roll my eyes at the guy, not liking him very much but knowing I can't be overly rude considering he's dating Jungkookie.

"Ya know, for someone dating my best friend, I don't exactly get why you're so damn bitter. I came here to get answers. Okay?" I mutter back to them. They both frown at this, though Tae seems a little less cold than this Namjoon guy.

"Jimin, do you have any idea what kind of trouble you're going to get yourself into because of all of this? What kind of answers did you need anyways? If you were going to go against your manager, you could've at least been smart about it and just texted me or Kookie or someone. Not completely skip out on work like you've done and show up here." Tae questions, concern laced in his voice. I frown at the mention of my manager and Idol Entertainment in general, wishing I could just forget them and leave them behind for just one day.

"We've already discussed the chances I've taken by coming here and not going into work. I've already seen the threatening texts my manager sent me, Tae. Seriously, I don't need reminded of it all. I wanted answers of things between him and me, about his past and things that have happened. From what Kookie told me last night, neither of you would've told me anything if I'd have asked." I counter softly, wrapping one arm around Yoongi. I feel him wrap both of his around my waist, and I'm grateful for the reassurance that I'm doing okay and not completely ruining anything by staying here on his lap.

"What about his past, Jimin? He's been here for the last seven years. What else is there-"

"He wanted to know about the old me. He found a video about my past and who I really am last night. Came in wanting answers for that. He's not wrong that nobody would've told him shit about it too, so don't even start that." Yoongi cuts Namjoon off sighing. Both of them frown at this, but seem to accept it anyways.

"I'm still waiting for one of you to explain why we walked in on Jimin straddling your lap, Yoongi." Namjoon speaks up, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans back on the sofa. I purse my lips at the question, looking down to Yoongi in hopes that he'll have some sort of an idea on how to answer that.

"Why does it matter? And why does it matter what either of us say was going on? You're both not going to believe it anyways simply because of how it looked. Neither of you are always better than the media. They'll tell the world that we've had something going on for a while now and that my songs hinted at a shitty relationship and claim that Jimin's hurting your sister by doing this to her. Meanwhile the two of you think you were both a cockblock when you weren't. So why the hell does it matter?" Yoongi speaks, his voice a bit darker than it's been the entire morning. They both frown at this, but the look on Yoongi's face is simply challenging.

"Yoongi, I created this company with you because we wanted to focus on what was right and on the truth of things and what they should be. I want the truth of what was going on because, yes, it looks like we cockblocked you." Namjoon responds in a serious tone. I bite my lower lip lightly at this, glancing down to Yoongi in curiosity of what he's going to tell them.

"Yes, we kissed, if that's what you're looking for. It's the reason I pulled him down onto my lap, but also because I can't imagine how sore his body is from those demons. But moreover, we were talking as well. The two of you happened to have walked in on the two of us being in the middle of a discussion." Yoongi confides in a somewhat snarky tone. I enjoy it though, smiling down at him just the tiniest bit.

"And are you going to explain to us why the fuck you dyed your hair pink? And when the fuck you started sneaking cigarettes and alcohol behind our backs again?" Namjoon challenges further. This makes my heart ache, knowing the reasons behind this now.

"No. I'm not." Yoongi mumbles, sounding as though he's lost any and all momentum he'd gained in the prior challenge, resting his head against me once more. I purse my lips at this, reaching up and gently playing with his hair. He sighs seemingly contently at this, and it makes a tiny smile form on my lips once more.

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