Chapter 26

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Yoongi POV

I know I need to finish telling him. He has a right to know, if anything, what I went through at the place he's currently working. So much happened though... it's the one place that haunts me most...

Feeling his fingers suddenly placing themselves against my cheeks, my eyes flutter shut at the gentle feeling. It makes my heart flutter as well, but it's much too heavy by now to be too affected by the feeling of him gently wiping my tears away. I hadn't even realized I'd started crying...

"Idol Entertainment was the worst of the three. I... I don't even want to know what's going to happen to you when you go back, and I worry for the shit they've already put you through by now..." I whisper softly before forcing my eyes open once more to glance up at him. He gives me a noticeably forced smile, taking my hand in his once more before he's rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. It's nearly the only feeling keeping me grounded at this point, the one thing keeping me from completely breaking as I go through everything.

"Idol... Idol Entertainment nearly killed me. They're what killed Suga. What killed that kid, Yoongi. They're what turned me into this. They monitored my diet more than the other two places had. And they weren't just mentally abusing either, but physically as well. They-... The shit they did still haunts me everyday. The things they called me, the pace they pushed me at. I lost even more weight with them. They... You slip up one little microscopic thing, and that's the end for you. I'd get locked in conference rooms, I'd get physically abused, mentally abused, manipulated. The amount of money I could probably get from them in a lawsuit against them would be astounding. They signed me on for thirteen years, had high hopes for me. I couldn't do it after three years though. I was low enough mentally that I couldn't take it. I broke my contract and gave them nearly everything I'd made from the other two companies combined just to get the fuck out of there.

"That's what created Agust D. I changed my hair, I didn't go out for months. My brother moved in with me for the first couple months to keep me on my feet. To keep me alive. I hardly did anything in that time period. But, at some point, I had to quit living off my brother. I had to quit being such a leech. I sent him back and went back out into the world, completely different from when I'd left Idol. I was angry at the world and I was fucking terrified. I went underground for about a month before Namjoon was pulling me back out of there. He and I talked, as he'd been signed with some other random ass company, and that was when the plans for creating this place came about.

"I refused to join another company at the time, no matter who the fuck it was. I wasn't going back under that shit again. So we created this place together because he hated his manager anyways. I started writing again, and found that the only thing I could really write about was my past. Wanting to get it all out and wanting to rid it from my memory and mind. Wanting to warn others of what this shithole industry really does. I refused to use the old stage name as it brought back way too many nightmares and I'd liked the one I came up with underground, and so it stuck. Agust D simply is Suga backwards and then D-town because I grew up in Daegu. It's who I've been ever since. I wanted to delete that part of my past as best as possible. It's why I didn't tell you that night at the bar. It's why hardly any of my fans even know the truth of me. And that's me and my experience in a nutshell."

Taking a deep breath, I try hard to hold back anymore tears, though I can't seem to find it in me to ease my grip on his hand though, as if I were afraid of letting go and finding myself back in that hell.

"You really weren't lying when you said we were alike. I-I'm so sorry, hyung." Jimin whispers softly before I find myself being engulfed in a hug.

It's the first proper hug I've had in years, and I find myself crying like a small child as I wrap my arms around him tightly. He just holds me though, rubbing my back gently and comforting me the entire time until I've finally managed to calm down a few minutes later.

"You're the only person I've ever told everything to." I breathe out as we pull away once more. He gives me a smile at this though, seemingly okay with it.

"I do have one more question though, if you don't mind." He tells me shyly, ruffling his hair lightly. I chuckle softly at this, wiping my own tears away this time as I nod my head.

"I've already told you the bad stuff. Fire away with it." I tell him with a smile.

"If you've been trying to hide it for so long... why'd you dye your hair back to pink today?"

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