Chapter 6: Killer Queen

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*At the Long Beach Harbor...*

Flash is walking briskly through the night, his dark blue hair blending into gray landscape.

He passes into the junkyard, where a forklift driver puts a wreck into the crusher.

Inside, a Honda Accord drives into a corrugated steel building.

It's windshield is spattered .

A sign above the garage says, "Lock your car, or it'll be gone in a flash!"

Inside the building, it's a chop shop, where a car is being dismantled.


Flash knocked on the cold steel door.

A bulldog-faced man opens the door.

Man: "Yeah?"

Flash Sentry: "Bradley Sentry, to see Ms. Chrysalis."

Sentry follows the guy into the building.

They walked into a large woodworking shop.

This shop has everything, top of the line saws, drill presses, jointers, and power planes.

An antique lathe sits in the corner.

A stock layout of expensive wood lies leaning against the rear wall.

Jars and bottles and cakes of glues, resins, stains and bleaches cram a shelf unit.

There's a woman here: Chrysalis.

She wears a standard of woodworking safety things, aside from a lopsided sneer.

The woman moves across, working with a hand saw, and leads to the next room, removing the safety clothing.

Shining Armor is there too, in the back.

The next room is silent as a tomb, with a plethora of monitors adorning the wall, showing cars being crushed and disassembled.

Chrysalis nods, and Mr. Man leaves.

She smiles on her black office chair throne, examining her fresh cut.

Chrysalis: "Flash Sentry. It's been a long time. *She looks at Flash's clothes, and frowns* Although I do remember you as a man of style. You remember your old friend, Mr. Armor?"

Flash Sentry: "How are ya?"

Shining Armor: "Good to see you, Flash."

Chrysalis: "So, to what do we owe the honor?"

Flash Sentry: "It's about my sister, Bo."

Chrysalis: "Yes...Beauregard..."

She says Bo's name like it pains her inside.

The black phone on her desk blinks with a red light.

Chrysalis picks it up and listens. Judging by the sound, it's a Mexican person.

Chrysalis: "Excuse me one moment, you two."

She picks up a jagged dagger from her desk, and she manuevers on the asphalt and marches into the chop shop.

Inside, Chrysalis marches to the Mexican man, as he sobs.

Chrysalis: "You bring it to me in this condition?! Blood and guts all over it? You make me complicit? ON MY PROPERTY?! Who taught you how to think? And worst of all, weren't you supposed to get..*puts up two fingers in his face*..Two Hondas?"

Mexican: "Please..."

And Chrysalis, with what seemed like rapid fire, thrusted her arm into the abdomen of the man, then further his chest and legs, old-school prison-shiv style, until the man is on the floor, howling like a wounded hyena.

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