If you didn't know I am very much a good ol country girl!
And being born and raised in the south means I shoot a lot of guns and often.
So.no. I'm not just speaking out with arrogance! I'm actually know what I'm talking about and I have years of experience.
I've been shooting guns since I was 6years old.Now I know that a lot of people will get pissed off with this. But this is MY opinion.
Argument 1:
The second amendment only gives rights to own guns used for the militia.
This is actually very untrue and goes against the second amendment 😂
I quote "a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." End quote.The second amendment only applies to muskets not military style/modern/rapid fire. Arms.
Well, when the the second amendment was written, they already had rifles. And back then muskets were military-grade firearms.
Therefore the argument is invalid!
Bad guys wouldn't have guns if we ban them!
What is a bad guy? It's a man/woman that doesn't live by the laws of the state/country....yeah, they won't abide by that law either. Sweetheart, 96% of cases are done with the illegal possession of a weapon. 80% of that is guns.
Therefore banning guns will not solve the problem but make it worst because you take them away from people using them.properly an using them to protect they're family and others.Places with strict gun laws don't have shoot outs!
False! Beeeeeeepp!
Chicago: 4,331 shootings in 2016 alone.
France: 532 casualties in 2015
And EuropeThose are some arguments I debunked.
Not a lot. I know.Till next time