Why Christians should be against abortion and should ACT.
Abortion is MURDER, it's scientifically proven and the Bible has many verses saying so.
If you're a Christian- meaning follower of Christ and God said we should be like him-you should want to do the will of your Father.
Deu. 16:20
'Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you.'
Is it justice that we kill over 50 MILLION A YEAR, innocent lives! Children.
Would you be more concerned if it was a 2 year old? Does age really change life's value?
MURDERS happening and Christians are just singing in church and saying we all should love more
We should love our neighbors so much more than we are.
Now, there's nothing wrong with worshiping God, you all should worship him!
But, we've been sitting by watching our nation kill millions we've killed more of our unborn children then hitler and that's an unthinkable thought, but it's true! We've JUST been praying for the end of abortion (which is good and we should.)
We haven't ACTED like Keith green said
'The only difference between the goats and the sheep, is what they did and did not DO.'
Isaiah 1:15
'And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.'
We have sooo much blood on our hands! It's like standing their watching your sister rom brother being brutally stabbed! Ripped apart! And you don't do ANYTHING you just pray, that God will send someone to stop it.
We don't have a 'calling.' To save babies.
I've had so many people say "I love what your doing, it's just it's not MY calling."
Well, if your a Christian it IS YOUR calling.
Do you seriously need a 'calling' to save children? People?! Lives?!
Jeremiah 1:12
Psalm 127: 3-5
Genesis 1:27
Job 31:15
Isaiah 49:15