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I forgot something , I'm picturing Lauren as Selena Gomez .

He simply stares at me without saying a word , a look in his eyes which I can't seem to define but something that made it feel like nothing was there other than me and him .

I coughed to distract him which apparently worked because he immediately bowed

" This is wonderful , I mean I love it " he said smiling. 

" You do ? " I asked assuring it

" Yeah I do and thanks for this , it's extremely thoughtful " he said.  I smiled at him and released a sigh of relief that he really liked it .

The rest of the day was spent much faster than anything and I had just wished it would've been longer.  Here and there Aaliyah and me got some us time and we ended up watching movie when his parents decided to go out.

By the time I leave the place it's almost 10 , which I could've alone by myself but Shawn insisted on accompanying.

" So you're coming to the new year eve's party right ?" He asked

" Uh I don't want to really " I replied Honestly as we approached my apartment silently. 

" But it would be amazing , i mean I'd love if you'd be there " he said and for moment I felt like snapping up and asking what are we doing but decided to go against it. 

" I don't know , where is it anyway ?" I asked

" It's at Jack's " he replied and I simply nodded. 

" It wouldn't be bad I promise " he promised. 

" I'll tell you about it " I said and stopped as we reached the building. 

I moved a few steps forward and Turned around to see Shawn doing back and forth on his heels with his hands dipped into his pocket.

" By the way I never got to compliment you , you looked really good today , something I wouldn't really would've thought you'd be wearing but yeah " he compliment and because of the darkness I couldn't really see his face. 

" Thanks ,you too " I said smiling . He stepped forward standing right in front of me and before anything else he hugged me which I half expected would be something else but this was also enough. 

" Thanks for coming over and merry Christmas " he said after separating.

" I should thank for letting me spend Christmas with your family , it was the best Christmas so far " I said honestly remembering all those Christmas's where I just used to get wasted at parties or would end up in the house alone watching some movie .

" It was nothing really besides Aaliyah and Lauren loved you " and with that my every hope of a good conversation is gone. 

" Yeah I loved being with them too " I replied which was half lie.

" So I believe you should get going it's getting really late " I said tilting my head. 

" Cool , bye and I'll meet you at the party " he said and turned around . I stood there watching until he turned back on his heels and came back to me .

" Is something wrong ?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. 

" Nope , just thought it'd be right " he said leaving me confused and it was all gone when his lips attached with mine.  No matter how much I want to push away and find a conclusion i couldn't because I wanted to feel it , feel his lips on mine even if the only feelings are from my side. 

THE DARE : UNVEIL THE TRUTHS ( Completed) Where stories live. Discover now