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@siriusly.pads just one of the 7 (yes, seven. Im serious) flags hanging around our house right now.
I've had a rollercoaster of a relationship with the LGBTQ+ community.
It started before Hogwarts. I was this young kid with such a constricted and conservative view on the world that everything I knew was a bit distorted. I grew up knowing one thing about the lgbtq+ community. Gay = bad. When I was young, I thought gay meant weird, stupid, bad, unnatural, disgusting. I thought gay was an insult.
I learned that gay not only meant happy but that it meant homosexual pretty soon after I started hearing the word gay. My parents, and my whole family, for that matter (other than Andy) we extremely homophobic and were absolute assholes, well, they still are but that's beside the point. So, naturally, I was brought up having the homophobic mindset. I was a homophobe. I thought that gay people were lesser, they were gross and that they didn't deserve human rights.
Until I realized I was one of them. I started realizing that I was not straight when the woman who birthed me would let me watch TV with her. There came times where pretty women would be on the television and every boy would freak out over how shmexy and pretty they all were. I couldn't care less.
I later realized the reason I didn't care about the pretty girls was that I was too focused on the pretty boys. And eventually I figured out that holy sh** I'm gay.
I tried with all I had to 'get it out of me'. I hated myself, all because of who I love.
All of this changed when I came to Hogwarts. I saw these kids where were so unapologetic about themselves and there sexualities that one day some older kids stood on the tables and screamed 'VIVA LA GAY! VIVA LA REVOLUTION' for about 3 minutes.
I was jealous of all of these people that were comfortable in their skin. All I had known before was that whoever you would ever come out to will disown you, hate you and cut themselves off from you as if being gay was a contagious disease.
I finally came out to the most amazing friends ever and they're response was pretty much 'yes, and?' And I believe James's exact response was 'ok. That's all cool but we need to work on this prank.' And it was a wake up call.
I came out to the school pretty unintentionally. Someone got on a table and yelled (this seems to happen a lot) 'BE GAY! DO CRIME!' And I stood up and went 'well, I'm half way done. And no, I've never committed a crime.'
I came out to school and one of my asshole cousins (not Andy) got the message to my parents.
Now here we are, burned right off the tapestry, friends with the queerlicious people ever and living with my very Sirius boyfriend (see what I did there?)
So, 7 pride flags sounds about right.
@lupin.lupout THATS MY BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this crazy man too much.
@logicalily wow. That's amazing. I love you, dork.
@prongster this dude. I mean, he's pretty darn awesome.

 I mean, he's pretty darn awesome

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