Chapter Seven

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Sickness and Sadness and the Daddy to the boys

Hammers pounded their skulls like a bell. A terrible headache for a morning gift. The group of girls never got drunk last night. Then again, Adelia did drink a lot of that delicious wine. But what was the deal with the others?

As the girls woke for the morning, doing their daily routine, things began to happen.

Kate opened the blinds to bring light to their dark room. They all cringed at the sun, pulling the blinds down in haste. It only hurt Adelia's head though, it didn't cause any skin sensitivity like the rest of the gang.

They all made their way into the kitchen for breakfast, the sun peeking through windows made their headaches worst.

Anne opened the fridge, grabbing the carton of milk. She brought it to her lips only to drop it, squirming in disgust. This effected the others too. Except for Adelia (and her lactose intolerance).


Adelia thought for a moment before dashing up the stairs coming back down with a pair of shades for each of them. It'll at least keep the sun away. But there was an even bigger problem... The girl's became drowsy, groggy. So they went back upstairs for more rest, but that rest turned into full on hours of sleep till the group of girls finally awoke to it being night already. The ginger waited for them, doing her own thing throughout the house.

However, she dismissed these red flags as did the others, and they headed to the boardwalk once again.

Though, Adelia had a bugging suspicion.


The girls ran about the carnival, enjoying themselves and their time together. As they passed the stores, Adelia slipped away from the others into the Comic book store.

"Hello?" she looked at the front desk. No Frog Brothers. She called out to them in hopes they'd appear.

A hand rested on her exposed shoulder. She jumped in fright, it was shockingly cold - ice cold, and turned to face whom the hand belonged to. It was Alan, "You called?"

His hand is warm though.

"Oh," She cleared her throat, "Do you thing you have that Vampire Comic your brother lent me?"

He took her down one of the aisles and pulled the book from its spot, "Take good care of it, keep it however long you like. You'll need it."

Adelia exited the store, stuffing the book in her bag. The girls were probably at the movie store down the block, so she checked there first. With the ring of the bell, in she walked. A man probably in his early 50's looked up from his spot at the front counter. He gave a faint smile to the young woman. He heard about her rather a lot, and the other girls too.

He walked up to her, "Hello, ma'am," and out stretched his hand, "I'm Max, you must be Adelia. Correct?"

Adelia looked at him suspiciously, slowly going in to shake his hand, "Y-yes... that's me. Nice to meet you... Max."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, my sons, they talk a lot about you and your friends. Especially you, David can't seem to shut his mouth." He smiled, taking his hand back and shoving them in his pockets. Max wore clear glasses, a funky checkered suit, with a pink shirt underneath.

Taken aback, Adelia thought deeply of the situation she had found herself in. "This man is David's dad, and the other boys' too... But they all looked so different from one another, well maybe Paul and Dwayne could vaguely pass as brothers, but that's a very unlikely chance. What have I got myself into."

Max saw that look in her eye, a look of uncertainty, "Oh they're half brothers, I've always had a very awful case of bad luck when it comes to women. The last to go was Marko's mother. She came down with a terminal sickness." He looked off into space, sadness gracing his features.

Adelia placed a hand on his arm, comforting him as best she could with "I'm sorry" and so fourth. She lost her father, though in a different way, she still sympathized with Max.

Poor girl didn't know she had fallen for a lie.

Their moment of silence got interrupted by the rest of Adelia's friends rushing into the TV shop, and embracing Adelia in a hug. This wasn't the first time she had ran off, but it still scared the girls. Especially when the boardwalk is infested with Surfer-Nazis, awful and terribly twisted fiends. The rest of the girls became acquainted with their boyfriends' father before renting some VHS tapes and heading home for movie-night. Max watched as they left, seeing Adelia pull a thin paperback book from a little bag she adorned. She flashed it to her friends, talking up a storm with them, all the while pointing at the title 'Vampires Everywhere!'. Did she figure out, or is she still oblivious like her friends? Max hoped for the latter.


"Come on, guys you've gotta believe me." whined Adelia.

The group made it back home and were currently watching a film on the television.

Anne rolled her eyes, the others gave angry sighs in varying tones, "Vampires aren't real." Griped Anne. "Shut up we're trying to watch Rob Lowe" spoke Barbara. Kate just looked at Adelia and gave a shrug. The angry teen just sighed and stormed upstairs, and not long after, asleep in her bed. While the others stayed up all. night. long.

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