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"Morning, Thomas" a voice greeted him as he was making his way to the office. He turns to the person to find his one and only best friend, James Madison, with papers in his hands.

"Morning, James," He said. They walked in the office to find no one else."Mulligan, Burr, and Lafayette went to get coffee, Laurens out checking on the new kid in the office above us." James said setting in his desk.

"And Hamilton?" Thomas doesn't know why he was searching for that 3-foot bitch.

"He hasn't clocked in yet..." James said in a hushed voice.

His voice was almost quiet as if he was confused or even concerned. Though the two males would never admit it, they both have a soft spot for the smaller male.

Their thoughts were cut off short as the door was open. They turn to the person to find George Washington, their boss.

The two males said their greetings as the boss look around as if searching for someone."Good Morning to you too, Mr.Jefferson, Mr.Madison.If you don't mind me asking, where could the rest be?" He said now looking at the two.

"Lafayette, Mulligan and Burr went out for coffee, sir." James pause."Laurens went to check on the new worker on the third floor and Hamilton hasn't clock in...yet" Thomas said.

Washington expression turn concerned for a second before changing into a more serious looking. The two workers freeze under the older man's eyes. Everyone in the building knows when Mr.Washington's expression became serious, pay close attention to what he is saying...

Bad things could happen...

"Meet me inside my office," he said turning around and exit the office. Thomas let out a long breath before turning to his best friend.

"Well..let's get going," James said before standing up and exit the office. Thomas followed afterward.

They headed to the elevator. On the way there, they bumped into Laurens. After sharing a couple of greetings they explaining to him what just happen in the office, he said "sheesh, good luck with that." and walk away.

They arrived at the elevator. They walked in and pushed the button to the highest floor where the boss's office is. When the elevator door opens, the two, step out making their way toward the big dark brown door with a gold sign 'George Washington' on it.

James knocked on it waiting for the permission to get in."Come in." a voice was heard behind the big door. The voice was cold and deep making the two males flinched.

Thomas twisted the doorknob open while holding in his breath as he and James walked in. There on the chair behind the big desk was George Washington looking dangerously cold.

The two shake under the older male eyes. "Sit down," Washington said gesturing the pair of chairs in front of him.

"Yes sir," The two said before making themselves comfortable on said chairs. Their breath hitched when the man opens his mouth again.

"You're probably thinking why I called you in.." he pauses as the other two looks at each other "It has come to attention that Alexander is acting rather worrying."

The two shared eye contact, thinking what the hell are they supposed to do. Washington closed his eyes and takes a deep breath and open them back along with his mouth.

"Hear me out...I am in need of help to find out what is wrong with him.." Washington makes eye contact with them "Are you willing to give me a hand?..."

Thomas makes eye contact with James for a second and turns to Washington. Man, his eyes yell desperation.

To be honest, Thomas does want to help but everyone knows he and alexander don't really make sense. They fight constantly.physically and mentally.

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