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He flutter his eyes softly before sitting up straight  and stretch.He blink his eyes a few more time while taking in his surrounding.

He's in his office.He pull out his phone and check the time.


'Third time this week....' he thinks to himself.He put his phone back in his pocket and a sudden yawn come out his mouth.

'At least I could get another 2 hours to rest..'.He stand up and start to tidy his desk before heading to his apartment.

He walk to his apartment sloppily and nearly faint a couple times from the lack of sleep and food.Before he knew it,he was in front of his apartment building.He walk inside,to the elevator and clicking his floor button.When the door open,he walk away from the elevator to his apartment room unlocking it and get inside,locking it again.

His apartment was in fact tidy since he rarely came home after work.He pay no attention to his surrounding and drag himself to his bed.

He flop on top of it,face first and not even a second later the darkness take over.

[Times skip]

He run as fast as his legs can go toward the office.Unfortunatly,he's overslept and now he have 10 minutes to clock in.

Finally,he manage to clock in,5 minutes before being late.He was a panting mess.

"Morning,Lexi" a voice was heard near him.He catch his breath and look up to the person.It was none other than one of his best friends,John Laurens.

"G'morning" Alex manage to pant out while giving the other man the smile.

The goddamn smile he always gave that can melt even the stone hard person's heart.

Laurens blush and smile back at the younger male.His mind going off about how beautiful his smile was.

"You need help with the hair?" he ask seeing that Alex is struggling with his hair while sitting on his chair.

"Yes,please!" Alex replied,helplessly.

Laurens giggles and walk toward his younger friend to tied his hair.

"Where's the rest anyway??" Alex ask,just as Laurens finish braiding his hair into a tidy ponytail.

"Hercules,Lafayette and burr went to get coffee in the kitchen.Jefferson and Madison are with Mr.Washington,If I remember correctly." he replied.

"Oh" was his reply.

"Anyway, I need to print some stuff.See ya!" Laurens said before patting Alex's head and heading out with some papers.

As soon as he step out of the office,a sudden pain hit him like there's no tomorrow.Alex let his head fall as he shut his eyes and gasping.he hide his face in his hands.

He had been badly sick for quite a while now.Alexander thought it was because he haven't eaten for weeks or his lack of sleep.

That's the problem...He haven't eaten for weeks...

None of his friends knew about this,but Alexander Hamilton is anorexic.He knew he didn't deserve it and he have tried...killing himself before...

Unfortunately for him,it didn't go well.So,now he's try going for 'The Slow Suicide' way.So far everything are going great.No one suspect anything from him.Sure,they did ask him to eat so he did.

The food doesn't stay long as they are thrown out in the toilet....

Alex let out a groan as he open his teary eyes.He can't stop now,this is what he wanted and deserved.

Pain and death...

Out of nowhere,a deep voice was heard from outside the office.Alex knew well who it is.He wiped his tears and fix himself right before the door open.

"-we will talk about this again when Alexander is here" Come in Mr.Washington.His boss.Followed by his two enemies,Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

Washington turn his head to him and smile."Good Morning,son." he said walking toward him.

"Good Morning,sir" Alex replied trying not to correct him on the nickname hard while giving the smile.Washington expression turn soft completely.In the corner of his eyes,he can see the other two males covering half their face with their hand and arm.

"We had been talking about some ideas for the upcoming project and I was thinking you could be some help..." He pause seeing the younger man in front of him nodded,he continues "..Good,come to my office at 4.".

"Yes,sir" Alex replied giving his boss another one of the smile before he leaves the office.He turned to his desk and started working.The other two male had gone to their desk and working,not saying anything.Not even a tease...


For 30 minutes the office was quiet.Alex was to focus about his work that he didn't realised the other males in the room keep taking glances at him and at each other in a concern way.

Out of nowhere,the door was kicked open.Alex flinched violently still not realising they saw it,he turn to the intruder.

"Hercules!You going to break the door if you keep doing that" Burr said before Hercules open his mouth to make his appearance more dramatic.behind them were Lafayette and Laurens.They both giggling like some teenage girls seeing they best friend being yelled at by their friend.

After exchanging some morning greetings with him they started working at each other desk.The office was silent once again.

[Times skip]

After a couple hours the door was opened by someone from the floor under them.The person was Veronica Sawyer,she was one of his friends.

They exchanged smile before she opened her mouth."Mr.Washington wants Mr.Laurens, Mr.Lafayette,Mr.Mulligan,Mr.Burr,Mr.Madison and Mr.Jefferson in his office now" she said.Suprisingly in one breath.

They stand up and went out with her.They were confused except Jefferson and Madison who look troubled but didn't say anything.'Huh...weird...' he think to himself.Why would Mr.Washington want them without him?He can feel his anxiety kicking in.

He swallow hard while rubbing his arms.He blink a couple times while he controls his breathing back to normal.He went out to the kitchen to get some water.

In the kitchen was Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy sitting at the table.He wave and smile to them getting back smiles,a wave and a peace sign.

He take one of the plastics cup and filled it with water.When the cup is full he went back to his desk and continue working until the rest came back.

They somehow seem troubled and...concerned??..

"Yo" Alex said making a peace sign."What did he want??" He ask after earning back a couple greeting from his friends.

"It's nothing,Petit Lion.Just works stuff." Lafayette said petting his head and went back to his desk like the rest.

'Suspicious...' he think to himself bringing the cup to his mouth and swallow trying to control his anxiety before continue with his work.

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