Chapter 5

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I'm here today at the mall. Sitting here inside the ice cream parlor and eating some ice cream, though it's not really my style

I almost spent an hour to choose a gift to Luhan and in the end, I decided to bought him a rubix cube. He likes to play this toy that even though in his office at the cafe he have lots of it. I know, It's not an expensive gift like wrist watch or other jewelries and imported stuffs like the others' gift but at least, I have one.

I dunno, when I buy a gift for my other friends, I easily bought whatever I want to buy for them. But when it comes to Luhan, I wanted is the best, I want the unique and I'll make sure that he likes it. Though, it mades me tired today because I think a hundred times just to choose whether I'll buy this rubix cube or I'll buy the scarf that I chose a while ago that looks good to Luhan, still it's a relief that I bought a gift to him

So, I decided to chill out my mind here.

I leaned in my back comfortably as Sandeok's words appeared in my mind that he told me on the bus station that night.  I'm still amused when I realized that he told me to confess my feelings, a little boy who speaks like that is unbelievable

So, I'm planning to confess on him in his birthday or some other day. I don't know if I'll do it, I'm still confused. I love him but I don't want to tell at him because he's with someone else. And I'm annoyed to myself because even though that he loves someone else, I couldn't stopped my feelings.

I took a deep sigh with my thoughts and I could see that the last scoop of my ice cream starts to melt in my cup

I took my phone as I feel it's vibrating. Someone texted me and it is Baekhyun


Sandeok left his robot on your house, I will get it tomorrow. Are you there tomorrow?

Sandeok left in my house 4 days ago, he fetched by his father.  Fortunately, he didn't mention anymore what he was said on me last night.


I have work

I decided to stood up in my chair and go home after I send the message. I grabbed the plastic bag and headed on the exit,  but when I stepped forward on the floor, I saw a familiar person

Is it Nathalie?

I blinked my eyes and It's clearly that it's her

I furrowed my eyebrow, wondering why she is here at the mall with a guy beside him. And the worst, they're holding each other hand

I don't want to think maliciously but the way they intertwined their fingers in each other, they looked like a couple.

"Nathalie!" I called her, not minding my loud voice hooking other people's attention

She turned her gaze to my direction and I saw her eyes widen seeing me

I hesitately walk forwards to them and when I stopped in front of them, the guy spoke. He looks foreign yet he looks like a little bit Chinese

"Who's that babe?" He asked, putting his arm around her shoulder

And that action is my confirmation that she's cheating Luhan. I must told Luhan about this. I'm right it's her other lover

"I'm the one must ask that question to you" I said as I diverted my gaze to him from his arm that enveloping Nathalie's shoulder


"I know him, maybe he just want to talk" Nathalie said, cutting the guy off.

She crosses her arms and she looks boringly at me "So, what do you want, Kim Min Seok oppa?"

I looked at her in disbelief. Why is she acting like I didn't caught her  cheating on Luhan? It's better if they were in a boyfriend-girlfriend stage, but it is not, it's higher than that. She is his fiancé

"What are you doing? You're engaged to Luhan, aren't you?"  I said in a loud voice so that the guy would hear it

"So, he knows about that guy huh?" The guy blurted out, smirking like an evil

"Why? Do you know him? Her 'fiancé and soon to be husband?"

He chuckled "Of course, I do"

"Nathalie, what is this?" I asked her, trying to figure out this situation


"Nothing? Are you cheating Luhan?" I asked frustratedly

"Can you just refrain from asking and let us walk freely here?" she irritatedly said, ignoring my question

"What? I'm Luhan's friend and I don't want him to hurt by this. Is he your other lover?"

"His friend? Ha! Luhan's friend huh?" She said sarcastically "What are you going to do if I said yes? I have other boyfriend since we started our relationship."

I shook my head in disbelief

"Why are you doing this? He loves you all of his and you're doing this crap?"

"Why are you acting that you seems you're hurt? Are you jealous?" he straightly asked that mades me froze for a second. He caught me off the guard

"What are you saying?" I asked, insisting myself not to feel nervous

"Saying? Do you want me to elaborate what I am saying?"

"Stop changing the topic Nathalie. I'll tell this to Luhan" I threatened

"Try to spill it to him Xiumin oppa, try" she said with an evil smirk

"Yes, I will absolutely tell him about your dirty games" I said and when I about to walk out, she grabbed my arm tightly, and I swear I can feel her nails digs my skin

"Then go Xiumin, tell him. Then, I will tell him about your nasty dirty secret that you're hiding since you enters the coffee shop"

I froze and my heart skips a beat. Why is she acting that she knew all of me?

"W-what are you saying?" I stutters, as my palms become sweaty due to nervous that I currently feel

"Don't act like you don't know it"

"I don't know what's your talking about" I yanks out from her grip and I stormed out

"Dare to tell him Xiumin, let's see if he'll gonna believe you!"

I closed my eyes tightly and quickly walks out from the mall


No way

Nobody will know this thing, specially Luhan. He must not know about my secret

But, how will I tell to Luhan about his cheater girlfriend? He doesn't deserve this, he doesn't deserve  her.

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