Story 3-Suka and Nala

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once upon a time...
there was a penguin. his name was suka. suka was happy; he had a loving family and lots of friends. one day suka heard crying. he followed the voice and he saw a lil polar bear.
suka knew it was too dangerous to go any near that polar bear but he felt bad so he just stood there and thought of a way to talk to the bear. it was easy for him to stand there cuz he was _behind_ the bear.
After a kinda smart plan suka went nearer and nearer.
Suddenly the bear turned around and attacked suka.
"Please don't eat me! I just-"
"i heard u cryin and i wanted to ask what's wrong..."
the bear went a step back and helped suka to get up
"What's ur name anyways?"
"I uh... i'm nala"
"so.... nala, what's wrong? did anything happen to u?"
"Actually... my momma. She wanted to get me some food and i guess sth happened to her."
"She probably gonna come back in a few hours. since when haven't u seen her?"
"since two days."
"oh i-"
Suka was shocked. Nala must've been starving and she was all alone by herself. It was dangerous out there even for polar bears like nala and she was really young so it was even worse.
"I can helped u get at least some food, only if u want to of course"
"Why'd u do that? I almost killed u just some minutes ago"
"You need help"
"That's it?"
"That's it. I don't care who it is. If someone needs help he should get it no matter what animal he is."
"No one was ever that nice to me... tell me, how can i return the favor? I don't have much to offer but i still wanna do sth"
"Be my friend"
"I know a penguin and a polar bear.... but hey, ur really nice and it seems like u don't have someone at the moment to talk to. I'm always here for u"
"...thank you"
"ur welcome! come on, let's get u something to eat"
Suka and Nala went to a hole in the thick ice. Suka took a deep breath and jumped into it
Nala sat down and waited.
After twenty minutes suka returned but...
"Haven't u found anything? It's pointless i should have never accepted ur offer i'm so sorry please-"
While nala was talking suka regurgitated 4 fish
"I couldn't carry more, sorry nala"
"Where the hell, i mean uh... how and... uhm... thank you"
"You're welcome"
both looked at each other and started laughing.
After 8 days of team work it was time
"I don't think that's a good idea, suka"
"They gonna love u, believe me"
"But i'm a polar bear... i actually eat u like not me but my race yk"
"i don't care :)"
"they will hate me and then they will hate you and i don't want that."
"shut up already and follow me. If they don't like you it's them who miss sth"
Suka and Nala went to Suka's family or actually it was a village
Everyone turned around and looked at the two friends. Some were shocked, others scared and most of them were running away
"Suka! What the hell?!"
"What is that bastard doing here?!"
"get him out of here right now!"
"...could y'all please sHUT THE HELL UP?!"
"SHUT UP AND LISTEN, MOM! this is nala. she lost her family and she is my best friend. I taught her how to fish and she protected me. If you hate her, you have to hate me too cuz i won't ever leave her side"


"Suka, you don't have to do this i'm just gonna leave and-"
"no u won't. if u leave, i will come with you"
"Maybe my son is right. I mean this poor soul lost her family and we can try?"
"thanks mom, i love you"
suka's mother smiled at them. everyone was thinking about it and after a while everyone agreed. First, nala lived with them for some weeks.
Weeks became months and months became a year.
Nala was part of the penguins. Everyone accepted her.

One day, Nala went fishing alone cuz she wanted to practise a bit. On her way to her favourite spot she noticed something. A light dot at the horizon. Without any bad thoughts nala went to the dot. as she was coming nearer the dot became a lil house.
a house in the middle of nowhere, it was -47°C and there was a house. Nala wanted to go back but she heard barking and a man shouting. Nala wanted to know what happens so she waited. After some minutes the man opened the door; a pretty big man with a black/grey-ish beard and long hair. in one hand he held a rope and with the other hand he held the dog. he went around the house, brutally taking the dog with him. one end of the rope, the man tied around the neck of the dog and the other end around a stick which was connectes with the house
the man went back inside where nala spotted a light fire.
he left the dog outside.
Nala made sure that the man was really gone and ran to the dog
"Please don't bark!"
the dog was scared af but he nodded.
"I'm nala and i saw what happened... why did he do that?"
"..hello nala, i'm brody. That's my owner and i was supposed to get him his prey but it was too cold so i couldn't use all my strength and i kinda failed"
"it's not ur fault, it's too cold out here for a dog."
"He only had one big catch but he said it wasn't enough..."
"you know what, i will stay with you until ur owner brings u back inside. i mean, for me it's not cold at all and my best friend once told me to always help those who need it"
Nala layed down next to brody. After 3 hours the owner came outside. Nala said good bye to brody and ran away.
At home Nala told Suka about it and he was shocked.
"Brody wouldn't have survived without you for three hours... i'm so proud of u nala"
Suka hugged nala and they both went to sleep
the next morning nala went back to visit brody. she was hiding in the snow and watched his owner. Suddenly Nala saw something white on the floor. She came nearer and saw a rug, a white rug that had the form of a polar bear. Nala stood up to take a closer look and then-
a loud noise scared nala and she was so confused that she ran back home. Behind her she heard something... it was barking. She told suka that brody was following her and that she couldn't wait for him to meet the big grey dog.
"Nala, you... you are-"
Suka was interruppted by another penguin who was screaming.
Dave was shot. Brody arrived at the village and when he saw dave he ran to him and bit him in the neck.
This was it, Nala was confused and couldn't realize what happened.
The next gun shot.
"Who was shot?! Haley, who was shot?!"
"Suka, ur mom..."
Suka ran to his bleeding mother. Before Brody could reach them Nala jumped onto him from the side.
"With a polar bear? HAHAHAHAHA"
Brody's owner called brody and they both went home with dave and 3 other dead penguins.

(ab hier lied Empfehlung; to build a home- the cinematic orchestra
danach; wheres my love- SYML)

"Suka, i'm so sorry. i thought-"
"...get out."
"this is all your fault. i should've never trusted you. i sould've listened to the others, they were right about you... i always protected you from them and i made sure that nobody was talking shit behind your back and now..."
"Suka i-"
nala's eyes were Filled with tears.
Suka sat next to his mother, crying.
Nala left the village knowing she could nevet return after everything.
"This is all my fault. I lost everything, again... i don't deserved them. i'm... a shitty polar bear. i-"
Nala was done. she couldn't control her feelings anymore; Nala fell on the ground and cried
Nala knew what to do. First, they killed her mother and then attacked her second family.
"Brody, ur dead."
The next day, Nala went to the house. She had no doubts about what she was doing.
After a while she arrived at the house.
Nala took a deep breath and ran into the door.
Nobody was there.
Nala looked around; on the floor was her mother and over the fire her friends.
"Where are they? they could be everywhere... oh no."
Nala ran out.
The ran like she never did before
"Please, Suka... please don't be dead yet"
When Nala reached the village she saw a lot of blood, many dead penguins were laying on the floor.
nala had an anxiety attack. she looked around and finally she saw her best friend.
She wasn't the only one who spotted the penguin. Nala noticed the man pointing the gun @ Suka and all she ran. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her.
Nala jumped and then-


"Nala, no please... i love you, please don't leave me... i'm so sorry"
Suka was crying but he had no time.
He turned around one last time and then he saw her. Nala slowly stood up, the man had his back turned to the big polar bear.
Nala was angry. Her eyes were filled with the will to kill him; the man.
She was walking and then running. she ran to to man and bit him in the neck. In that moment he fired one last shot.
"this... was for my family, bastard."
Nala turned around and she looked for suka.
Nala went to her friend laying down, bleeding.
"Suka, i'm so sorry."
"i love you"
suka died inside nala's arms. Brody came to the friends.
"You killed my owner... i'm dead too without him... "
Brody bit Nala one last time in the neck.
Nala died. Her dead body fell next to suka's.
It was funny cuz they looked like the night they met; keeping each other save

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