5. Never Let Your Guard Down

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The next few days were smooth, or as smooth as moving the whole pack gets. I had done nothing but help the move and patrol. As wolves we migrate, and with the land's size, it was even more essential to establish the land as ours. We naturally wandered with the seasons, in no rush. Usually staying where the weather was the best.

There were the usual hiccups. One of the travel busses broke down, delaying it a few hours. Items and bags were misplaced, a few damaged when located. The young males were easily irritated, and picked fights with each other. The pack steadily growing, the hustle we were all used to was returning. It was homey in a way, we were surrounded by something like an extended family. We were 435 strong, with eight on the way. At each of the four corners 25 wolves stayed, they rotated as they wished so long as the numbers stayed constant. They guarded each location, even when the pack wasn't there the patrols were constant. I had joined our own the past few mornings, and though I found no sign of an intruder the air felt off, a presence in the non-stop rain.

Dad and I were avoiding each other almost as much as Reed was avoiding his father. The only time we saw each other was dinner, where the ranked wolves ate together. Dad sat at the head of the table and I strategically placed Ryan between us. Reed's mother sat between as their barrier. Trevor, as usual, sat across from me and next to Reed, he had no family at the table to avoid.

Even the rest of the table was quiet. The ranked members of the pack were ten in all, they were teachers of combat, our two doctors, and their mates. They lived in the house with us and were a constant audience. They were like family to me, aunts and uncles that happened to be under the same roof. Unfortunately they also had to deal with our conflicts.

It was massively, hugely, enormously awkward.

Ryan made it tolerable with his chatty nature, preventing complete silence from enveloping us all. My little brother must have completely forgot his adventure, he hadn't mentioned the cave, the flying, or Shiny. The subject stayed dropped and no one asked him about it again. Mom was worried he was emotionally scarred. He was thankfully distracted with his birthday tomorrow, Mom had been planning the party for weeks.

I picked at my food, I hadn't been able to relax in days. I felt eyes on my back unceasingly, as constant as the rain falling. Even in my bed I felt no peace, I was itching to go outside at all times. Reed was convinced I was demon possessed. I almost believed him.

The second everyone was done with their steaks everyone split off, and I went to Ryan's bedroom to watch a movie with him. He was getting cranky with the constant lock up, he was only alone when he was asleep; even then he was checked on by someone. His little vacation had scared us all, and we didn't want to lose him again.

Just as I entered the doorway, a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned and my Dad squeezed his hand.

"The Oracle is downstairs. She wants to see you, alone."

I sighed, I gave a single nod and walked back down. My back was to him and he gave no further response to the slight snub. She couldn't have walked in while I was still down here?

The Oracle was old, like, way old. No one knew her real name. She had been the Oracle to my great grandfather, she was half blind with cataracts over her milky eyes. Her translucently pale skin was wrinkled like old newspaper, her dry white hair pulled back in a simple braid that barely touched her back. She leaned on the carved walking stick, and was facing me as I trumped down. Water dripped off her loose light blue blouse and long grey skirt, she made no move to wipe the water that made trails down her ancient face. She looked like a soaked hippie.

"Hello Oracle, how are you this evening?" My words were polite, but my tone teemed with impatience.

"I am well." She smiled, her eyes weren't looking at me, but something only she could see. She never did that with anyone else, and it made trepidation drip down my spine. "It is good to hear that little Janus is with the pack again."

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