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DALIA CHOI WAS BUSY trying to cram the summary of basic biology in ten 'simple' paragraphs, typing like a maniac really wasn't helping her case as she kept making typo after typo

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DALIA CHOI WAS BUSY trying to cram the summary of basic biology in ten 'simple' paragraphs, typing like a maniac really wasn't helping her case as she kept making typo after typo. She sighed, stopped typing, put her hands together and had a determined look on her face. 

I swear god, if you can hear me I'll never procrastinate again if you let me finish this damn essay.

After the silent prayer she stretched and decided to have a bathroom break as she's been working on the essay for five hours with no time to pause in between.

I should go pee.

In the middle of doing her business in the bathroom, the lights went off all the sudden, which caused the korean girl to curse out of shock.

What the hell is happening?

She quickly zipped up her jeans and rushed out of the bathroom as she was scared of the darkness. When she arrived at the lobby of the gigantic library she could hear security locking up

"Oh no." She dashed towards the huge front doors but it was too late. "Damn it." She stomped on her left foot frustrated. After a moment of silence on deciding on what to do, she debated whether or not to call 911.

Does this even classify as an emergency? She shrugged to herself and began to dial the number when she heard someone scurrying towards her. "Hey!" A male voice yelled that she recognized..?

She screamed and dropped her phone. "That better not have cracked, for your own good." The guy raised his hands up while he watched the girl slowly pick up her phone. Once she saw who the guy was, her heart started to race. Oh great, this is just the best person to be stuck with. Thanks god. She thought to herself, sarcastically.

He grew a lot too... hmm.. not too bad looking... I guess.. "Don't get off topic Lia." She mumbled to herself hoping the boy wouldn't notice her staring.

"Please, please don't be cracked." Lia let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god! If this was cracked it would've been a really long night..." Especially with you here.

The tension in the large room had risen very quickly. How'd it get so awkward so quick?

"How have you been, Dalia?" She got mad and scoffed at him, she tried to sound serious and tough with her response. "How have I been? Shouldn't you be saying something along the lines of I'm sorry?"

Ignoring what she had said he came up besides her by the small steps that led up to the lobby. "Why can't we leave? I saw you trying to open the doors." She sat back onto the small steps and sighed.

"We're locked in." He staggered back and she could see the panic setting in on his face. Being stuck in a room for 13 hours with Finn Holston was obviously going to be absolute torture, but what could she do. As long as I don't get in trouble I'm fine.

"A-Are you sure?" She sighed once again, feeling like that's what she would be doing all night. Just sighing. "Yes, I'm sure." He tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths.

"Never noticed how dark and creepy this library could actually be..." He looked around the huge place going in a circle. "Should we call 911 or something?" He started to take out his own phone until she interrupted him. "Honestly, I don't think this classifies as an emergency and I really don't wanna bother anyone and get into trouble, it's the last thing I need right now. It'll be easier if we just stick it out for tonight."

"We're trapped in a humongous, scary library and all you're worried about is bothering someone? C'mon Dalia, let me call 911." She grabbed his phone suddenly. "Do it and I'll make the rest of time we have left a living hell. You don't wanna try me."

    He rolled his eyes and mumbled 'fine.'

"How long has it been Lia?" She glanced at him. It had been a real long time since she's heard him call her by her nickname. "Don't call me that, that nickname is for friends only. Something that we clearly aren't and will never be."

She crossed her arms and began to walk away from him until he spoke. "Please Lia, it's been three years. I'm sorry. I regret it." She turned around with a deadpan look on her face.

"I said don't call me that, I also think it's better if we just stay away from each other while we're stuck here." Then continued to walk and gave herself an imaginary pat on the back for confronting him like that.

This is gonna be the longest night of my life.

He ran in front of her and stopped her in her tracks. "Nope, I'm not wasting this chance to explain myself and talk to you." He grabbed her wrist and talked once again. "Let's go explore, I don't think we'll ever get a chance to be in this situation again." She started to protest. "What if we set off an alarm or break something?"

He ran quickly, amused as he tried to see what about his old 'friend' had changed. He noticed that she worries a lot now compared to before. Probably my fault.

Finn got out of his thoughts then responded "Isn't that a good thing?" Her protests stopped after awhile and they arrived at the computer lab, where she immediately spotted her belongings. "Oh shoot I almost forgot my stuff." She went over to her seat and sat down to catch her breath. Three flights of stairs seem so easy when you're walking.

"How'd you get stuck in here? I thought I'd be all alone, I didn't think anyone else would be here considering how late it is, and it's a Friday so everyone's at like, parties, especially a guy like you, considering how much you've changed and—" Finn laughed, out of breath with his hands on his bent knees. "I forgot that you talked a lot." She smiled at him.

"Is that a bad thing?" He sat down on the carpeted floor besides her. "No, it's a good thing. Means we won't be bored tonight, any new dinosaur facts you know?" The girl used to spew out random dinosaur facts while they talked before.

Dalia's face contorted to a surprised look. "You remember that?" Finn laid back on the fuzzy floor. "How could I forget?" She regained poise, straightened her back, cleared her throat, and tried to not get distracted easily with the boy.

    I don't want to get hurt again. Dalia then turned to the old fashioned computer in front of her and powered it on. "Now tell me why you're here late at night as well."

Finn stood up and sat next to her on the computer to her left. "Alright."

hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔

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hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔.

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