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HOUSE PARTY( 11th grade, before the mess

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( 11th grade, before the mess. )

"AREN'T YOU EXCITED!" DALIA gripped onto his arm tightly and smiled at him. "Sure I am." At this point in time, Finn was really flirty, and popular within the girls at school, they'd always pester Dalia for advice on what he likes or who he likes and if she liked him or if they were together. To which she'd always quietly reply with a 'mind your own business.'

As they walked in together, she looked around the crowded mansion, the only reason she came was because of Finn, he had asked her to come. If it weren't for Finn she would have never been invited to this party, or for any party for that matter. Immediately after they both looked around, a girl known as Marisol Evans quickly came towards them, she wore a way too short dress and four inch heels.

The popular girl began to twirl her hair and flirt with Finn. Dalia didn't even attempt to drag him away like she usually would with other girls because she knew he wouldn't budge if it were Marisol.

"Meet me in the living room in about fifteen minutes Finnie, oh and bring your little friend if you want." She stated in a sultry voice. He managed to stutter out a response. "O-okay."

Dalia gave her a quick smile then rolled her eyes once she left and exhaled. "Well that was—" Finn began to pull her arm to walk around the house. "Hey! Where are we going!" She barked at him hoping he would hear despite the loud music. "Living room!" He yelled out. Of course. I should've known. If only I had other friends.

Dalia wished she wasn't there, sitting on a couch surrounded by drunk teenagers who laughed about every ten seconds at the most stupidest things. "Hey Finnie, glad you could make it." Marisol swayed her way over and began to sit in between Dalia and Finn. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" He let out a nervous laugh.

Dalia just began to go through her phone, as she was bored. "Okay guys lets start the game!" The korean girl scrunched up her dark eyebrows. A game? She went over to Finn and tried to explain something to him.

"Finn I'm feeling sorta uncomfortable, I think I'm gonna go home, have fun." She gathered her things from the couch and didn't even get the chance to walk away as someone grabbed her wrist.

But it wasn't Finn. It was Marisol. "No, no, no. Why don't you stay? If you play this game, maybe you can finally find yourself a boyfriend with low standards, and prove to everyone in here that you actually are fun and can let loose." Dalia gave her the fakest smile ever and then slowly sat back down in the uncomfortable couch once again.

Finn looked over at her and mouthed an 'I'm sorry.' She just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Another popular girl stood up from the chair and began to tell everyone to form a circle. "Okay guys, this is called spin the bottle. Who ever the bottle lands on you have to kiss. First person to go?"

A girl named Leyna raised her hand, only for it be pushed down by the boy besides her. "Let me go Sawyer, I do what I want." She slurred. The blonde girl just shrugged.

"Okay Leyna first!" Dalia saw the boy besides Leyna facepalm and sigh. As the bottle began to spin her heart pounded, she hoped it wouldn't land on her. "Sawyer Days! I think we got a winner." The bottle had landed on the boy besides Leyna. "Let's just get this over with." He grabbed the sides of her face and gave her a quick peck, the circle of drunk teenagers cheered.

"Okay, okay, Finn wants to go next!" Marisol yelled out cheerfully. Dalia's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly, she looked over at him only to see him staring right back at her giving her a nervous smile. That dumb bit— "Okay! Finn it is." As the bottle began to spin her heart pounded three times as hard than it had before.

Dalia didn't want the bottle to land on Marisol, or her. Sorta. I kinda hope it lands on me not gonna lie. A little voice in the back of her mind said. What the hell are you talking about me and Finn are just friends. the inner dialogue continued. Stop lying to yourself. I'm not lyi—

"Dalia Choi, how great." The blonde girl remarked sarcastically. The bottle had landed on none other than herself. She gulped whatever remianed in her mouth and looked over to Finn who had a shocked look on his face, his cheeks were very red.

"Is there no do-overs?" She heard a whiny voice exclaim. "Unfortunately not. Sorry Marisol." The blonde girl replied back with 'sympathy' in her voice.

Finn had a sudden flash of boldness and went over to Dalia. They were face to face. Dalia began to blab in a quiet voice "Listen Finn you don't have to do this we can ju—" He grabbed her chin and kissed her. Holy crap.

His lips were soft and gentle. She closed her eyes and slowly began to kiss back. Until he pulled away staring at her in confusion. What. just. happened. I have to talk to Hana. Everyone was looking at them in astonishment.

It probably was confusing since he could've refused to kiss her. In fact she was confused too. "I'm gonna go now." Dalia shot up from where she sat and began to power walk to the door. "Hey Lia wait up!" She heard Finn from right behind her, they were both outside the door on the porch.

No no no no. She just began to blab again "Finn that got way outta hand, and I just, it feels like—" Finn chuckled. "You're blabbing again Lia." She looked up at him and gave a shy smile. "Yeah, I guess so. But can you blame me? You just stole my first kiss. Yuck." He gave her a sweet smile in return. "That was probably the best kiss I've ever had. Not lying." He replied honestly. She rolled her eyes playfully. "Okay, just walk me home loser, or you can go back inside and be with your girlfriend it's okay."

Finn placed his arm on her shoulder. "I'd never abandon you for another girl, you mean way too much to me." She gave him a side hug as they began to walk towards her house. The features on her face contorted to a look of nervousness as she reminisced about what had just happened.

Dalia knew that it was really wrong to like him but what if there was a tiny chance that he may like her back.

( 12:46 AM )

"So.... was I a good kisser?" She glanced at him with a surprised that he suddenly asked that out of nowhere. "We haven't kissed in like... four years now, why would that matter?" She grunted and tried to change the subject. "Let's just get water." Dalia could see the water fountain from the staircase they were both descending from. Finn suddenly yelped and grabbed onto her arm. "Did you hear that?" The girl rolled her eyes. What now? "I swear on my life that I heard a book fall from over there." He kept frantically pointing to the grand bookshelf on the first floor. "Stop being over dramatic." She looked around the area and concluded that yes, he was being over dramatic. "Let's just go back to the computer lab, no water is worth being haunted by ghosts." He quickly started to run up the stairs.

" He quickly started to run up the stairs

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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