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"MY THROAT FEELS DRY." Finn repeated for about the millionth time. They'd been sitting approximately six feet away from each other in awkward silence, which he kept trying to break.

Once Dalia could hear his whine echoing throughout the large library she rolled her eyes while continuing to try and concentrate on the essay.

"Then go to the water fountain." She sassed. The girl could practically feel him pout. "But it's scary down there.." He muttered quietly, she stopped typing and gave out an annoyed sigh. "Alright you big baby, let's go." To be quite honest she was parched, throat dry from screaming at Finn half of the time they were in the dark library.

"How long are we gonna be trapped here?" He attempted to make small talk with the girl, to try and get on good terms. "Stop trying to talk to me, let's just concentrate on getting you some water."


TERMINAL( 1 year & 6 months ago )

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( 1 year & 6 months ago )

"HANA!" DALIA SCREAMED IN joy, the other girl squealed and dropped her bags to hug. The hug lasted for a long time, hugging in the terminal was way more comforting than it seemed to be. "It's been so long." Dalia's voice sounded a bit muffled, but that was only because her face was squeezed into Hana's chest. "I know."

The other girl responded while stroking her hair. Dalia suddenly smiled and snickered, "we look like a couple." Hana laughed. "Yeah right, I couldn't stand being with you." She pushed Dalia off playfully.

"Wanna go to a park and get some fresh air? We can leave your bags in the car if you want." Hana thought for a moment and shrugged. "Yeah sure, not like we have anything better to do." The park felt fresh and the cool breeze every so often felt great. "This feels nice."

Hana stretched her arms out. "Sitting for twelve hours on a not so spacious plane besides strangers isn't exactly ideal Lia." Dalia laughed. "Of course not, Hey let's link arms!" They walked together and talked about what had happened in their lives, how Hana had a boyfriend, how Dalia was about to enter university, and how that one person had left Dalia's life. Only she left some details out, as to not upset herself and anger her friend.

"If I ever see him again, I swear I'll beat him up." She pretended to fight the air weakly while Dalia covered her mouth in hopes of stopping her laughter. "You can't even open a water bottle." She stopped fighting the air and put a hand on the younger girl's shoulder.

"Hey, the power of friendship can come in clutch at times you may need it most you know." Dalia rolled her eyes playfully and heard a familiar laughter behind them and stopped in her tracks. "Hey what's wrong?" Hana looked at her in worry. But she was too busy trying to figure out what to do next.

"We need to go, now!" She softly yelled the last word. "What? Is it that Finn dude? Is he around here?" She looked around them, and Dalia could see him starting to approach them.

"HEY FINN SHOW YOURSELF YOU COWARD!" Hana shamelessly yelled out into the air, making two people look at her, Finn and his new friend "Hana!" She quietly yelled in annoyance, then sighed trying to think of a plan. "Let's quickly link arms again and hope that he didn't notice."

They did as she said and quickly tried to walk away from them. "Dalia..?" She sighed in defeat and slowly turned around not seeing Hana getting ready to 'fight' Finn. Her friend rolled up her sleeves and began to yell at the boys. "Why'd you do that too her you douche? Huh? You don't deserve her!" Hana told her to shut up through clenched teeth and shyly said hi to the two boys.

"I'm sorry, for my friend." The nervousness in her voice was prominent. Finn smiled. "It's okay, I see you told her what happened though." Dalia began to look glum, reminiscing about what had happened. Why am I even standing here? "Listen Lia—"

The more she began to dwell in the past the more anger she felt. Dalia looked down and monotonously said "Save it." Then she took Hana harshly by the arm and walked away. She could hear Finn's friend mumbling 'is that her? the girl?' followed with a sharp 'shut up' from Finn.

"What a horrible coincidence." Hana exclaimed dramatically, Dalia have a small giggle and smile in reply. Isn't he still with Marisol? As she continued walking through the serene park along with the occasional slew of questions about Finn she'd get from Hana, Dalia thought about her 'findings' from yesterday.

You see, she'd occasionally stalk Finn's page, looking for any sign of Marisol or some sort of life update. At precisely 6:00 PM yesterday she went looking through his page as she usually did and saw a picture of Marisol embracing him while he gave a cheeky smile to the camera, so it confused her as to why he kept talking about her to his friends.

That's probably hypocritical, since I talk about him too, but still. "Hello? Earth to Lia." She shook her thoughts away with a sound of snapping nails that were obviously from Hana. "Okay, you really need to explain this whole situation, with detail this time." Dalia looked down at the dirty pavement and sighed. "Okay, let's sit down" she pointed to a wooden bench that was three feet away.

 "Okay, let's sit down" she pointed to a wooden bench that was three feet away

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stuck with you, tom holland auWhere stories live. Discover now