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AS SHE WATCHED HIM talk she felt all of the memories flooding towards her, all at once

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AS SHE WATCHED HIM talk she felt all of the memories flooding towards her, all at once. This had to be some type of vodo stuff, how the hell did they just happen to end up at the same university, same library, and then furthermore, to be locked up together in a huge library?

I guess the universe really does just hate me. All the sudden fights, rebellions against her, and avoiding it all led up to nothing.

She still really doesn't get why he did it. Why he chose to just abandon their friendship and leave her. Was it because of Marisol?

Although it was pretty dark in the library he could still see the features on her face contorting about every five minutes as he talked. She looked more mature now, Dalia still managed to maintain her black silky hair short and she no longer seemed to act as childish as she did before.

"Is there something wrong with my face? You look confused like every ten seconds." He exaggerated his words but she could understand. "Just thinking about some stuff. But more importantly, how's Benson?"

He sat back into the desk chair and sighed. "He has a tumor in his tummy. We might have to put him down soon." Dalia parted her lips in shock and memories of her playing with the pup flushed back and she fought the against the feeling to cry. "It's been so long since I've seen him.." He gave her a sad smile. "He misses you too." She rapidly blinked her tears away and tried to hold a stoic look on her face but she kept thinking about his cute little dog. I don't think I can hold it in anymore.

She stood up, "I'm going to the bathroom." He heard her voice crack in between the sentence. But as she started to walk away he grabbed her wrist and asked something that she recognized from about five years ago.

"Wanna listen to some music?" After all this time he still kept the playlist, listening to it occasionally, thinking of Dalia while doing so. He thought about her charming smile, how when blushed it would stand out because of the contrast between the pink and her snowy skin. It made him feel reassured, that she was doing more than okay without him. Even though the thought made him sad, he deserved it. For leaving her behind for some stupid girl and his thoughts.

A single tear rolled down her cheek. "Okay." He guided her back to her seat and took earbuds out of his pocket. Finn put one to her ear and pressed play. He slowly put his hand besides her to test the waters, but she flinched away, startled.

"Don't do that."  She then took out the earbud and scoffed. "I shouldn't have agreed to do that. What you said about Ben, was it even true?" She rolled her eyes while saying the last sentence. But once she saw the look on his face, she knew she shouldn't have said that. "Finn I—" He angrily put on his backpack and began to walk away from her.

"Save it for someone who cares, let's just stay away from each other as originally planned." He gave her one last look then walked downstairs to the cafe section. "Damn it, why do I always mess things up with him." She mumbled to herself, frustrated. Now I guess, I have to apologize.

But Dalia felt the anger rising up in her as she continued with inner conflict. Apologize? Are you kidding? After what he did to you? Dalia agreed with her inner thoughts and gave herself a small nod before standing up and chasing after the boy.

"You know you've changed a lot. Do you know how much better you were before?" She began to rant, although she knew these weren't the words she was suppose to say but Dalia needed to get the frustration out somehow. He turned around and began to walk backwards to face her.

"Well, believe it or not Lia people change. For better or for worse." She clenched her hands and felt her nails digging into her skin. Then yelled out angrily, as if the whole world could hear her. "I said, don't call me THAT."

He was about to scream a response but bumped into a plant that was about to send him off the railing onto the first floor, which was about fifteen feet below him. "Finn!" She screamed and ran over to catch him. "That's why you don't walk backwards stupid." Dalia grabbed his outstretched arm and pulled him towards her embracing him.

"Who would've thought we'd end up like this huh?" She could heat his heart beat increase rapidly as he held her to his chest. Dalia then cleared her throat. "Let go of me Finn." She felt his grip loosen, but he didn't budge. He leaned into her ear and teasingly whispered, "What if I don't want to?" She flinched her ear away from him and forced herself out of his grip.

"How long will it take for you to get over it?" Her eyes widened at his complaint. "Get over it? You say that as if it's easy. Finn you don't know what I went through after you abandoned me for that, that girl." She refrained from saying rude words as she didn't know if Marisol and Finn were still dating or not.

"It's not—"

"Whatever you're about to say, it's probably not gonna help your case so save it Finn."

Then she twirled away, and walked over back to the computer area. It's always hot and cold with him now. It's getting annoying, maybe we should finally stop interacting with each other while we're stuck here. She placed her chin on her palm and continued to think while browsing through the internet.

Somehow, Dalia didn't feel Finn sneaking up on her so when he said 'boo' right next to her ear she screamed and fell off the chair and bruised her knee because of it. "Ouch."

Dalia began to rub her knee hoping it would ease the pain. Finn put down his backpack and hurriedly bent down to help her, "I'm so sorry, it was a harmless joke I swe—" she looked up at him and groaned.

"Stop apologizing and start helping." Huh, never thought I'd say that to him. "Yeah, yeah sorry." She glared at him. "Oh yeah can't say sorry, sorry. Crap! Okay, okay I'll stop." He picked her up bridal style, making Dalia blush more than she should've, and carried the latter over to a couch then proceeded to throw her on it, causing more pain than he thought it would've. "Finn!" She screamed.

"Why'd you do that?!" She clenched her teeth and watched him get all flustered. "I-I thought it'd be funny and didn't think it would hurt that much, sorry." He realized in about two point five seconds that he said sorry and slapped his own forehead, to which Dalia smirked at in response. "I guess I can't stop you from saying sorry."

She turned her face into a deadpanned look once more. "I should start working on my essay again." She has almost forgotten about the damned essay, Dalia was busy having fun with Finn to care about some stupid biology essay. He tried to distract her but it was no use. It's better to just ignore him now.

 It's better to just ignore him now

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