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HEY GUYS I'M BACK! I think i might stray some from the script and delve into more of what goes on outside the hospital with Hazel and everyone! Let me know what you think and I love y'all!!!

*Hazel's POV*
I was just leaving the hospital to head back to Conrad's apartment. I was only walking side by side with Devin because Conrad and Nic had started their shift halfway through ours. This meant I could have some me time before they came home. As we arrived at Devon's car I continued on to mine was at the back of the lot.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride, Hazel?"

"Yes, Devon, I'm all good, I need the exercise anyway! Have a great night," I replied as I waved him off to go home.

He waved back as he pulled away leaving me to my thoughts. It had been a great first week and I felt as if I was making a real change in myself. As I was thinking back to my accomplishments this week I was blindsided and found myself being tackled to the ground. Immediately I remembered the musty scent of heavy cologne and the stale smell of cigarettes. He straddled both sides of my stomach and held my wrists above my head.

As he leaned into my ear he whispered, "Miss me, Hazel? I know I missed you."

I shuddered at the cool almost psychotic tone, but still I replied with a strong and unwavering voice while gritting my teeth, "The fuck you think you're doing here, Derek?"

He answered with seething contempt, "You didn't think that you could skip out on paying me back, Hazel, did you?"

I rolled my eyes and glared at him, "We both know after everything that happened I don't owe you jack—."

I was cut off by a harsh punch to the face with his free hand.

He clicked his tongue and his tone got extremely serious, "Now, now, now, is that any way to speak to your boyfriend?"

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He clicked his tongue and his tone got extremely serious, "Now, now, now, is that any way to speak to your boyfriend?"

"Ex-Boyfriend," I corrected him. This earned me a kick to the ribs as he got up off of me. I thought it was over until he continued the pattern of abuse. Just when I thought I would pass out he stops and leans into my ringing ear menacingly.

"You can get an new fancy job, you can reconnect with your big brother, and you can even move to a new city. But you CANNOT get rid of ME!"

I shut my eyes waiting for another blow, but to my shock as I peaked one eye open and he had disappeared.

I took stock of my injuries assessing that they would almost certainly hurt in the morning, but they did not need immediate medical attention. So I got up and limped the rest of the way to my car and drove home.

When I arrived home I didn't bother cleaning myself up just wanting to sleep and pretend this whole ordeal never happened. So I locked my bedroom door in fear that he knew where I lived as well, as if everything was the same and Derek wasn't back and out to get me.

*Nic's POV*

I got home a little before Conrad because he wanted to stay behind to finish paperwork. I saw that Hazel was parked in the lot. However, as I unlocked the door and found she wasn't in her usual place on the couch watching Stranger Things I became somewhat concerned.

I decided to further investigate to find out where she was and if she was alright. I got to her bedroom door and found it locked.


When I received no response I was worried to say the least. She never locks her door so I got the key from Conrad's room and opened the lock, and what I saw was disturbing. Hazel lay on her side curled up in a fetal position with fresh streaks of tears trailing down her cheeks. But what appalled me the most were the bruises that littered her cheeks and as I came closer I lifter her shirt saw an array of dark blue and almost black skin on her midsection. I held my mouth to keep the gasp from escaping the back of my throat, and I pulled her shirt back down.

I quickly left the room and got my phone out calling Conrad. He answered on the third ring and by this time I was biting my thumb nail, which is a nervous habit of mine.


"Conrad, you need to get home now," I whispered looking into Hazel's room to make sure she was still asleep.

He immediately changed his tone from confusion to worry, "Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

I drew a breath looking at Hazel through the crack in the door, "It's Hazel. Its bad, Conrad, she was severely beaten."

As soon as the words left my mouth he replied out of breath like he was running, "Is she awake? Never mind don't move I'll be home in two."

With that he hung up. It's a ten minutes ride from our place to the hospital so I knew Conrad would be absolutely booking it. He was just as worried as I was and he hasn't seen her, which made me worry even more when he sees her in this state.

I looked at Hazel, "Oh, Hazel, what's happened to you?"


OH DANG BIG BRO ON THE WAY! Let me know what you think and thank you for reading!!!

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