fan fiction (short stack) chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The boys went on and sung there first song Bat Country.

“NEWCASTLE” yelled shaun. The crowd yelled back so much louder.

“who like sunny day avenue?” yelled andy into the mic. The crowd screamed yet again.

“this ones called planets” shaun said plunding into the song.

That night was quite eventful. Andy fell over…………..twice. Megan got back stage anddddddddd my parents showed up.

“chloe. Your rents are out there” madi said pointing to the back of the crowd. Sure enough there stood my parents.

“you have got to be kidding me!” I yelled

“whats wrong with your parents clo?” asked geoff as he placed his hands around Jorga’s waist

“hmmmm lets see. I hate them they hate me and they will tell andy shit like im no good and im a bitch and I bet there here 6to tell me boarding school accepted!!”  I said nearly in tears

“Boarding school!!!!” geoff said eyes widening

“yes well mum and dad said I could move here but if boarding school accepted I had to go. I didn’t think they would accept.” I said running to the stage door. I ran out to my parents and madi, Geoff and jorga couldn’t hear but they knew from actions I was leaving.  I returned when the boys had just finished.

“how on earth am I going to tell andy.”

“tell me what?” andy said hugging me from behind

“are you pregnant?” he said laughing

“NO! my parents are here and im going to boarding school!” I said with an angry face. Everyone turned around and gasped.

“way to rip the bandaid off.” Said madi

“wait. Like where at?” he said nearly in tears.

“adelaide.” I said this time crying. Andy didn’t know what to say. The next day was school and that’s the day I left.

Everyone was packing the van andy turned to me and hugged me.

“stay at mine? Once last time?”  he said clearly about to cry any second. I nodded my head and started to cry. When we got to Andys house we were not talkative at all. If we decided to stay together I would see him 5 times a year. That would be the holidays.

“we can make it work babe.” I siad crying he didn’t say anything just started to kiss me. It was the last night together for a while

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