Episode |~|1 : serial killer

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Episode summary : Stewy and Brian enter the cereal manufacturing business with hopes of getting enough money to build a Machine.


" hi,  stewy.  Watcha dowing ? " Brian asked.

" nothing that concerns you. " stewy said.

" oh,  really.  So you're saying you don't need my help ? " Brian asked.

" well if you insist,  stand over there. " Stewy points at a pod.  Brian enters it and stewy pushes a button to start the machine.  Suddenly,  Brian morphed into a man.

" stewy.... This is awesome ! " Brian exclaimed,  admiring his human flesh.

" yes,  but it only lasts for about forty five minutes till you turn back to a dog. " stewy said dryly.

" why ?  Can't it last longer ? " stewy asked.

" Except if someone can poop out diamond encrusted gold , you'll be stuck a mutt forever. "stewy said.

" just imagine what I could do with this machine. " Brian took a hold of stewy. " I could get back at Quagmire for all he's done to me. "

" I can't imagine when your talking directly into my face ! " stewy yelled.

" oh. " Brian let go of stewy. " so what do you say we buy this Diamond encrusted gold ? "

" unless you have seven hundred thousand dollars,  we're going no where. " stewy said.

" I say we do a yard sale ! "

" seriously ?  What are we gonna sell ?  , your ass ? "

" while I think that's dumb,  we could sell your old gadgets ! " Brian said.

" no way !  " stewy yelled. " if any of my gadgets gets into the hands of a just any body,  they could hurt themselves with it. "stewy laughed. " like that time when the fat man got a time control device. "

Cut away ===================

" what's this ?  " Peter picks up a time control device,  in the form of a stop watch. " hey !  This looks like a stop watch,  I bet... " Peter pushes the pause button and everything stops.

" wooow !! " he pants every one in the building and giggles. " this is gonna be so funny. "

He pushes the play button and every one starts panicking as to what was going on.

" hey !  Maybe he pants us ! " a person yelled,  pointing at Peter.  " let's get him ! " but they all tripped.

Peter giggles. " you can run when your pants down. "

Cut away over =============

" so ?  What do we care ? " Brian laughed.

" you're right. "

After the yard sale

" hey ! " why is it only my stuff we're selling ? " stewy asked.

" because.... It's your machine we're trying to build ! "Brian said. " so how much did we make ? "

" not even half way there,  we made only one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. " stewy said. " but,  I found out that we can start a business. "

" eww , business. " Brian said dryly.

" A cereal business.  All we need is a company,  some workers and some paper works. " Stewy said.

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