The School Annual

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A/N: So I'm really trying to keep a good consistency to at least one of my stories going on, and I've decided it's going to be this one. I'll try and update it at least once a week.

Again, thank you so much for reading and the support for the story ^~^ 


By the end of dinner and I left, Mrs. Petrov's eyes burned holes through my scalp. Her last bits of advice before I left I didn't take to heart besides a couple small fragments. She told me about the dangers of young love and the risks of having anything related to a relationship here at Welton. I'm a risky and rebellious person, I'll admit... but when she explained how Charlie was and his tendencies, I second guessed myself and my feelings, yet again.

As I would look down at my potatoes and her words flew around my head, I would think only of him pinning me on that freezing brick wall in the laundry room. How his smoke smelling breath was nothing short of refreshing to me. The way he said my name, as if he had been saying if for a few years prior. Maybe he knew another Victoria in the past. Maybe he had intimate moments with her. Maybe he.... loved her. I shook my head, trying to release the pressing thoughts and pessimistic revelations. 

"He only wants one thing, Victoria. Nothing else.. nothing you young girls could possibly think of. All those films and books about the girls and pairing boys falling in love so aimlessly are purely fiction." I drowned out her words again, my brain incapacitated. His face looming over mine in such an intense and breathless way was the only thing keeping me stable. 

Finishing up the last of my potatoes, I skidded the chair back without a word, looking down at the finished plate and headed towards the back. Her words drowned out in the distance as I continued, then stopped abruptly for her to yell, "Victoria!" and a stomp of her large foot. I stepped back out with a half smile and the least noticeable sigh. 

"I have to get back and finish a couple loads. It was nice talking to you and meeting you, Mrs. Petrov." 

And without another peep out of her or me, I slipped out of the kitchen and made my way back down the empty hallways. 


"Well since there's nothing that you'll tell us.... we'll just have to assume." Cameron snickered as he said his fill of the situation. 

Neil raised an eyebrow and glared over to the bootlicker. "Assume what exactly? Charlie is like this with every semi-attractive girl he comes into contact with, it isn't a surprise."

As Cameron and my close friend started bickering about it, my head began spinning. My head pounded for them to quit it, and the others at the table seemed visibly irritated as well. A couple opened their mouths but to no avail as the two argued.

"Stop it, both of you." I slammed my hand down on the table, which caused a couple head turners from the adjacent groups and silence. "I don't want to talk about it anymore. Is there any other news that you guys have? Let's just talk about something else." 

Everyone looked at each other for a second. Meeks spoke up after a fleeting moment. "Are we... still doing our study group tonight?" 

There was a collective nod throughout all of us, including myself. 

Neil suddenly leaned in, pulling something out from his lap. It was a thin yearbook, seemingly dated from before our time here. "Hey look, I found his senior annual in the library." He passes it on in front of him to Cameron. "Captain of the soccer team, editor of the school annual, Cambridge bound, Thigh Man," he looks over to me for a second, and continues. "and the Dead Poets Society." 

Cameron chuckled and read from it, "Man most likely to do anything.

I thought for a moment and spoke my mind while the others laughed. "Thigh Man... Mr. K was a hell raiser."

Knox raised a brow. "What's the Dead Poets Society?" 

There was a small murmur along the table, and Neil responded. "Nothing, there's no other mention of it." 

Nolan's voice snarled at us again. "Put away that, and see me after dinner." 

Cameron snuck it to Neil under the table and we spoke lowly. "We better find out, shall we?" 


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