Chapter 6

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Another chapter yay!!! I almost.....almost had a writer's block on this chapter. Now it's here😋😋. Enjoy

White tiles and a strong smell of detergent wafted into her nose as she sat with her back against the wall, her legs pulled back, facing the operation room. Her arms were around her legs and her head leaned back against the wall but her eyes staring at the ground unseeing.

Her hate for hospitals non existent as the scene replayed in her head.

The fall, her screaming and the sickening thud followed by  screams of horror, over and over again.

She  couldn't get it out of her head,......... didn't want to forget. She had drove her sister to this. She had caused this... This was all her fault. She couldn't help blaming herself.

The look in Yasmin's eyes before she'd left wouldn't leave her mind. She looked so broken. She had promised her to protect her through thick and thin and she'd failed. Now Yasmin was in there fighting for her's and her baby's life.

She could have tried more, she could have said something...perhaps stop her father from saying all this horrible things to her,...maybe...maybe.....

Fresh set of tears gushed out again. She was a horrible sister. How could she make Yasmin feel so guilty when  Amir  was out there free. Perhaps​there was some good in this. If all this hadn't happened she would never have seen Amir's true character.

The consolation did nothing to sooth her nagging conscience.

A pair of black mirror shoe clad feet pulled her out of her concious self guilt as they stopped in front of her.  She continued staring at them as if in a trance before their owner bent to her level, startling her. She  jerked up, her head colliding with the wall behind her. Pain seared through her Making her blink.

",.." she said trying to sooth the pain with a palm pressed against the back of her head.

"Sorry..... " The voice came making her look up to meet the person. Warm chocolatey brown eyes met her. Shocked at it's closeness, she jerked back again, realising too late and prepared herself to be met with the hard wall but her head smacked a palm.

"Geez Liya, at this rate you're going to be a broken bag of bones. Hasan muttered out.

She offered him a sad smile. "I'm not the one to be worried about at the moment."

"She's in there getting attention she needs and there's nothing we can do right now. But you...need to patch yourself up . Your feet is bleeding all over the floor"

"Huh?" It was like the realization that her foot was bleeding must have jump start her brain because white hot pain zipped through her feet as she glanced down at it. She hissed under her breath.

When had she gotten hurt. She racked her brain trying to remember. It must have been when she was climbing the ladder. It was rusty and had pointed edges anyway. That must have been it.

"Here..let me help you" he said slinging her arm across his shoulders ,and an arm securing her at the waist.

Sucking in a breath, she allowed him to guide her down the hall, each step leaving a footprint of blood on the clinical white tiles.


"Hi.... I'm Kate" the nurse said with a smile, one she probably gave all her patients as she crotched down so Liya was looking down at her. She had bright blue eyes and brilliant white teeth.

She didn't even notice when Hasan had come back with the nurse after making her sit on a bench. She gave the nurse a small smile.

"You'd have to come with me Miss so I can take a look at your leg alright?"

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