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 He said, a little hesitation in his voice. She just stared. The brown in his eyes were a little lighter than she remembered. His hair tousled as if he'd run his hands through it. He generally looked tired, evident by the sleep bags underneath his eyes. His features were sharper and he had grown out his beard though not too much

"you've grown a lot since I last saw you" still no answer. She could see his unease at her silence but how could she?, The shock of seeing him had rendered her speechless.

"Liya,..... please say something" his voice was soft, pleading. She felt tears prick her eyes, a rush of emotions flooded her system. Two years, for two years she had forced herself to hold a grudge, forcing herself to hate him; at least that's what she convinced herself she felt. At first, she secretly wondered why he didn't phone or write, convincing herself he'd abandoned her when she needed him the most. He had been her confidant and best friend despite the age gap and he left. When he did write, she didn't read them nor send back replies until he stopped.

But looking at him now, into those familiar eyes, all the lies came tumbling down. She missed him, no matter how much she told herself otherwise. With all these thoughts and realizations converging on her mind, she spared a glance in her mother's direction to find her eyes already on her. She gave a slight nod, of reassurance. A sob tore out of her as she rushed towards him, hugging him to her as tightly as she could. He sharply inhaled at the force with which she hugged him, surprised yet relieved. He had half expected her completely ignore him of slam the door in his face looking at how she didn't want to see him when he left two years ago.

His arms slowly came around her. that seem to snap her out of it. She jerked back, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "I'm so sorry, I,.......I shouldn't have done that. She said suddenly avoiding eye contact. "Astagfirullah" she quickly muttered under her breath, making Hasan smile. She hadn't forgotten what he taught her, he thought.

"It's good you stopped..." he suddenly said with all seriousness with a face that matched it. She stopped wiping the tears to look at him. "you almost squished the life out of me". A slow smile split her face as she let out a soft laugh, followed by his own.

She sniffed, reached for a tissue from the island, when she noticed her mother's absence. She must have left when she hugged Hasan. Her mother saw her hug Hasan!!!!!! She blushed at the thought. No matter how close he was to her and the family, he was still a "non-mahram", she reminded herself that. Her conscience pricked her, "what about Imran, you've hugged a little more than necessary" she quickly pushed the thoughts aside. Hasan would be so disappointed if he found out. Which is why he would never, just as Imran said, it's being private.

She wiped her nose and sniffed some more. "how have you been, what are you doing back here, I thought you said you might not come back, will you leave again...."

"shhhh, one at a time, you sure do have a lot of questions. I just arrived from a long journey, where'd your courtesy go, shouldn't you give me something to eat or drink first" he said, playfully flicking her forehead. "aww, what was that for?" she glared at him.

"what?" he innocently shrugged and said "I missed you too, although not too much"


"whatever you say"

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