Chapter 8

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Asalamu alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatu. I'm back!!!!😅😅. Ok maybe not officially..😥but still😌😌.

Exams are almost done and I'm excited to get off school for a while. I still have two more papers......whew!!!!

Gosh!!! I haven't updated in two weeks but it feels like a very loooooong time. I didn't want to leave you guys for long so here's a chapter for y'all.    



"Yusuf!!, Ya Allah Yusuf!!!" she exclaimed, spotting the two year old wobbling down the street just as he turned a corner.

Frantic, she raced towards him. Geez!! She leaves him for five minutes and he's already crawling away. Was she that bad? She thought, turning the same corner she saw him do and halted when he wasn't there. Panic set in, as she turns around, eyes searching. It died down when she saw a man bent to his level and seemed to be talking to him.

"Yusuf?" His little head whipped to her, a smile gracing his face having heard his name. He scrambled towards her when he is put down by the man. She grasp his face checking if he's alright. "Ya Allah Yusuf, you gave me such a scare. What did I tell you about leaving the house?" She said trying to be stern.

"I...I'm sowi yiya" he said with a soppy face and she couldn't help but melt. She planted a kiss on his Temple.

"Thank you very much sir" she said turning to look at the man. She noticed he wasn't looking at her.

"Sir?" He snapped out of it.

"Oh's nothing.., clears his throat, nothing"

He was now looking anywhere but her. Her brows furrowed. Just when she was about to ask what's wrong, it hits her as a single brown lock blows across her face. Her eyes widen. She wasn't wearing her hijab and what's worse, a non mahram saw her without it.

She felt her face redden and she tightened her hold on yusuf.

"Uh," she stummured out and turned on the balls of her feet , quickly getting out of there. She walked fast, as she felt as if everyone was watching her. She quicken her steps, her heart beating rapidly. She almost stumbled when a coat is drapped on her head, covering her hair. Startled, she turns to see it is the same guy from the corner.

"Till you get home"

"And how would you know if my home is not far from here"

"You wouldn't have run out without a hijab if it weren't"

She started walking again, eager to get away from him before she's spotted again. She didn't want any judmental looks and ...,.....

"Thank you again," she says handing him the coat.

"It's ok. Didn't want a sister of such  beauty to be exposed like that."

He said and she was stunned for a short while before blushing furiously. She almost run into the door, before dashing into her house , her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Why do you look so red and who was that guy?" Her mother asked her , stretching to catch a glimpse of him.

"I...I don't know. I saw him with Yusuf when I went out after him"

Her mother finally looked at her and her eyes zonned in on her hair. "He saw you without a hijab?"

She blushed again. Oh Gosh what was wrong with her. She nodded sheepishly.

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